ASEM11+ : Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics

Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni at
Tue Aug 24 10:47:25 ART 2010

Desde: 18-09-2011
Hasta: 23-09-2011
Lugar:  Seul, Corea

The 2011 World Congress on
Advances in
Structural Engineering and Mechanics


will be held during September 18 - 23, 2011 in Seoul, Korea. The
“ASEM11plus” Congress will be organized by combining the existing 4
International Conferences and additional 3 new series of  Conferences

into a single large event.  For more details, please visit the web site;

As the combined event has a greater variety of topics to pick up from, it
will create an excellent opportunity for participants to look into what is
going on in allied fields and to get some idea what the future directions of
developments in the fields will be.

As the chairman of “ASEM11plus” Congress, I have the pleasure, to invite
you to participate in this interesting event. Also, you are cordially invited

to organize a mini symposium in the area of your interest. A mini symposium

may have a single session or multiple sessions and each session is constituted

with 5-7 papers. Details can be found in the Congress web site above.

I sincerely hope that you will be able to accept the invitation. If you have

any questions and/or suggestions, please let us know. I look forward to

hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours.

C.K. Choi
Chairman, ASEM11plus Congress

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