APCOM2013 : Asia Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics

Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni at intec.unl.edu.ar
Fri Jul 27 08:36:53 ART 2012

Desde: 11-12-2013
Hasta:  14-12-2013
Lugar:  Singapore

5th Asia Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics 

2nd International Symposium on Computational Mechanics

APCOM2013 is a triennial conference of the Asia-Pacific Association for 
Computational Mechanics (APACM) and the ISCM 2013 a biannual conference of the 
International Chinese Association for Computational Mechanics (ICACM).  In 
2013, these two bodies celebrate their events together in Singapore, and 
warmly welcome all participants!

APCOM2013 and ISCM 2013 aim to provide an international platform for:

    exchanging ideas on all areas related to computational mechanics
    celebrating chievements and recent advances
    renewing and establishing friendship in the academics, with industry, and 
various research institutions
    promoting advanced research, development and applications

Conference Language

English is the official language used in the conference for papers and 

Important Dates
31 Mar. 2013:  Deadline for Mini-symposia and special sessions proposals
30 Apr. 2013:  Deadline for abstract submission
30 June 2013: Acceptance of abstracts
15 Aug. 2013: Deadline for full paper submission
01 Sep. 2013: Deadline for early registration
11 – 14 Dec. 2013:  Conference dates

secretariat at apcom2013.org
Conference website: http://www.apcom2013.org

Conference Venue
To be determined soon.

Association for Computational Mechanics (Singapore), SACM;
International Centre for Applied Mechanics (XJTU, China)

About Singapore
Singapore is a modern Asian city which brings together people from many 
cultures, races, languages and Faiths. Chinese people form an ethnic majority 
with large populations of Malay, Indian, and other races from around the 
world. English, Malay, Tamil, and Chinese are the official languages. Located on 
a major sea route between India and China, 136.8 km north of the equator, 
between latitudes 103°38’E and 104°06’E, its strategic position has made it 
into an important harbor for trade and tourism between East and West. It has 
been well established with world-class infrastructure for tourism, culture 
experiences, convention, and conferences. 
Singapore is with tropical climate with temperature ranging from 24°C to 31°C. 
Rainfall usually takes the form of sudden showers and storms. November to 
February is considered to be the best time to visit.
The population is just over 4 million, around 77.2% are Chinese, 14.1% Malay 
and 7.4% Indian. The remaining 1.3% comprises of people from all over the 
world who have chosen to make Singapore their home.
English is the common language spoken by all. Signs in Singapore are mainly 
written in English.
Singapore is a place where people from all over the world sit down to enjoy 
each other’s cooking. Each culture has brought with it unique cooking styles 
including Malay, Chinese, Indonesian, Peranakan, Indian, Thai, Japanese and 
Korean. There is a vast array of hawker stalls and restaurants, ranging from 
global franchises to gourmet delis to fancy six-star settings. Many popular 
restaurants are located in “Little India” and “China Town”.
Although Orchard Road is known as the main shopping street, there are numerous 
shopping centers throughout Singapore. For more information on Singapore, 
please visit: http://www.visitsingapore.com/mice/

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