[NotiAMCA] Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute (PASI) on Nano and Biotechnology

Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni en ceride.gov.ar
Jue Dic 22 10:37:07 ART 2005

Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute (PASI) on Nano and Biotechnology
November 13 to 22
Bariloche, Argentina

The 2006 Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute (PASI) on Nano and 
Biotechnology will take place in San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina, from 
November 13 to 22. The event will convene scientists in the field to promote 
interactions and develop cooperative programs between diverse groups in the 
American continent. It will be aimed at the young investigator and it will 
include tutorials, specialized lectures, hands-on laboratory modules and 
poster sessions for the participating students (half from the US and half 
from Latin America). In addition, debate sessions will be organized to 
discuss critical science and technology issues related to the theme 
addressed in the tutorials and invited talks presented each day. Emphasis 
will be placed on the development and delivery of well-coordinated 

 The PASI will address several topics including Nanomanufacturing, Single 
Molecule Electronics/Spectroscopy, Mechanics of Biosystems, MEMS/NEMS, 
Computational Nanomechanics and Multiscale design of advanced materials. For 
more detail information see the event program.

Some Important Dates:
            Attendance confirmation and choice of participating 
ates  ......... Nov. 30, 2005

Free pre-registration ( http://www.mech.northwestern.edu/PASI).......... 
Dec. 30, 2005

Class Notes in word and power point presentations .......... June 30, 2006

Travel Arrangements .................... July 31, 2006

            Event Dates ................................. Nov. 13- Nov. 22, 


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