[NotiAMCA] Fluid Structure Interaction 2005

Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni en ceride.gov.ar
Mie Feb 2 19:32:51 ART 2005

Fluid Structure Interaction 2005
Third International Conference on Fluid Structure Interaction

19 - 21 September 2005, La Coruna, Spain
Dear Colleague

RE: Fluid Structure Interaction 2005: Paper Deadline 20 May 2005

This is a short note to remind you that the Third International Conference 
on Fluid Structure Interaction is to take place from 19 - 21 September 2005 
in La Coruqa, Spain. The meeting is organised by Wessex Institute of 
Technology, UK; University of La Coruqa, Spain and sponsored by WIT 
Transactions on the Built Environment.

I am currently preparing the programme for the conference and do hope that 
you can participate. This successful conference has attracted the interest 
of many of our colleagues around the world and continues to update the 
international scientific community through the subsequent distribution of 
the conference book and the permanent archive of conference papers in the 
Transactions of the Wessex Institute (http://library.witpress.com/).

If you wish to present a paper, I will need to receive your abstract now so 
that we can incorporate the work into the conference programme. Please note 
that the paper deadline is 20 May 2005, however if you need any additional 
time please contact me.

At this stage, I only need a short abstract (200 words or so) plus the title 
of the paper and name(s) of the author(s) with affiliation(s) and full 
particulars of the corresponding author.  Please could you also let me know 
which topics the paper will cover (see list below).

For further information about the conference, you can visit:

I hope to hear from you shortly.

Yours sincerely

Carlos Brebbia
Conference Director

**If you have already submitted your Abstract - thank you. You do not need 
to re-submit it**


Hydrodynamic forces
Response of structures including fluid dynamics
Offshore structure and ship dynamics
Fluid pipeline interactions
Structure response to severe shock and blast loading
Vortex shedding and flow induced vibrations
Cavitation effects in turbo machines
Wind effects on tall buildings and structures
Wind effects on bridges and towers
Mechanics of cables, risers and moorings
Aerodynamics of racing vehicles
Fluid and biological tissue interaction
Computational methods
Advances in interaction problems in CFD
High performance computing and FSI problems
Experimental studies and validation

Caroline Weaver
Conference Assistant
Email: cweaver en wessex.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0) 238 029 3223  Fax: +44 (0) 238 029 2853
WESSEX INSTITUTE on the Web - http://www.wessex.ac.uk
SEE 2005 Call for Papers at:

WIT Press on the Web - visit http://www.witpress.com

to download individual Wessex Institute conference papers from

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delivery when you order our books on-line!

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Wessex Institute, Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton SO40 7AA, UK 

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