[NotiAMCA] HPDGrid 2006 - Call for Papers

Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni en ceride.gov.ar
Vie Oct 28 08:21:32 ART 2005

International Workshop on High-Performance Data Management in Grid
Environments (HPDGrid 2006)

Co-located with VecPar 2006, July 13, 2006, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Call for Papers

Initially developed for the scientific community as a generalization of
cluster computing using the Web, Grid computing is now gaining much interest
in other important areas such as enterprise information systems. This makes
data management more critical than ever. Compared with cluster computing
which deals with homogeneous parallel systems, Grids are characterized with
high heterogeneity, high autonomy and large-scale distribution of computing
and data resources. Managing and transparently accessing large numbers of
autonomous, heterogeneous data resources efficiently is an open problem.
Furthermore, different Grids may have different requirements with respect to
autonomy, query expressiveness, efficiency, quality of service,
fault-tolerance, security, etc. Thus, different solutions need be
investigated, ranging from extensions of distributed and parallel computing
techniques to more decentralized, self-adaptive techniques such as
Peer-to-peer (P2P).

The objective of this one-day workshop is to bring together researchers and
practitioners from the high-performance computing, distributed systems and
database communities to discuss the challenges and propose novel solutions
in the design and implementation of high-performance data management in Grid

The main topics of the workshop include:
Data Grid infrastructures
Data-intensive Grid applications
Data Grids, Web services and P2P
Grid data integration
Grid data warehousing and data mining
Grid data streaming
Query processing and information retrieval in Grids
Transaction and workflow management in Grids
Replication and fault-tolerance in Grids
Indexing, caching and load balancing in Grids
Grid multimedia data management
Grid performance evaluation

Paper submission
Authors are invited to submit either a full paper (maximum 12 pages) or an
extended abstract (maximum 6 pages). The manuscripts must be formatted
according to the Rules of the Springer Series Lecture Notes in Computer
Science. They must include the title of the paper, the name, affiliation,
and e-mail address of all authors, and a short abstract (100 words).
Submissions should be in PDF format. Submitted papers will be reviewed based
on originality, relevance, technical soundness and clarity of presentation.

Accepted papers will be included in the Vecpar e-proceedings in a separate
workshop session and available at the workshop. After the workshop, extended
versions of selected papers will be invited to be submitted for publication
in the Vecpar post-proceedings in a Springer volume of Lecture Notes in
Computer Science. Furthermore, extended versions of the best papers will be
invited to be submitted for a special issue of the Journal of Grid Computing

Papers submitted to the workshop must not have been simultaneously submitted
to any other forum (conference or journal), nor should they have already
been published elsewhere. At least one author is required to register for
the workshop and present the work. Registration will be done through the
Vecpar web site.

Papers must be submitted electronically, by January 31, 2006, through the
Vecpar submission Web page: http://vecpar.fe.up.pt/hpdg06/

Important Dates
Submission (firm) deadline: January 31, 2006
Notification to authors: April 1, 2006
Final paper due: April 28, 2006
Workshop: July 13, 2006

Workshop co-chairs
Marta Mattoso (COPPE/UFRJ, Brazil), marta en cos.ufrj.br
Patrick Valduriez (INRIA and LINA, France), Patrick.Valduriez en inria.fr

Program Chair
Esther Pacitti (INRIA and LINA, France), Esther.Pacitti en univ-nantes.fr

Program Committee
Henrique Andrade, IBM Research, USA
Claudio L. Amorim, COPPE/UFRJ, Brazil
Gabriel Antoniu, INRIA et IRISA, France
Stefano Ceri, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Christine Collet, Institut Polytechnique Grenoble, France
Ricardo Jimenez-Peris, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
Sergio Lifschitz, PUC Rio, Brazil
Alexandre A. B. Lima, COPPE/UFRJ, Brazil
Ioana Manolescu, INRIA Futurs, France
Hubert Naacke, University Paris 6, France
Rui Oliveira, University of Minho, Portugal
Vincent Oria, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
M. Tamer Özsu, University of Waterloo, Canada
Cesare Pautasso, ETH, Switzerland
Alexandre Plastino, UFF, Brazil
Fabio Porto, EPFL, Switzerland
Guillaume Raschia, INRIA and LINA, France
Marc Shapiro, INRIA and LIP6, France
Mohamed Zait, Oracle Corp., USA

Organization Committee
Vanessa Braganholo (COPPE/UFRJ, Brazil) - Chair
vanessa en cos.ufrj.br
Fernanda Baião (Unirio, Brazil)
Alexandre A. B. Lima (COPPE/UFRJ, Brazil)
Luiz A V C Meyer (COPPE/UFRJ, Brazil
Gabriela Ruberg (COPPE/UFRJ, Brazil) 

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