[NotiAMCA] IMAACA 2007 - Call for papers
nnigro en intec.unl.edu.ar
Mie Sep 20 09:54:48 ART 2006
(We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this message)
IMAACA'2007 - Buenos Aires, Argentina, February 8-10, 2007
The 3rd International Conference on
Integrated Modeling and Analysis in Applied Control and Automation
Dear colleagues,
this is to renew our invitation for you to submit a contributed paper to
IMAACA'2007, and recall that you still have three weeks left to do it
before the approaching deadline of next September 29th.
The full draft submission is to be done over the ConfTool Conference
Management System at:
We also recall that:
- the special session on Bond Graphs has been subsumed into the new Track
"GRAPHS: "Graphical Model Based Control and Supervision" (co-organized by
Belkacem Ould-Bouamama and Christophe Sueur (France). Track Plenary
Lecture to be delivered by Pieter Mosterman, USA).
- Proposals of further special sessions or tracks will be accepted until
the September 29th deadline provided that the papers proposed to the
sessions have also been submitted.
More details in the CfP enclosed below, or at the web page
Please transmit this information to different academic and industrial R+D
organizations, and encourage potential authors to submit their
contributions to our conference.
Best regards
Sergio Junco and Geneviève Dauphin-Tanguy
IMAACA 2007 Chairs
Sergio Junco
Departamento de Electrónica
FCEIA - Universidad Nacional de Rosario
Ríobamba 245 bis - S2000EKE Rosario - ARGENTINA
Phone: +54 341 4808543
Fax : +54 341 4802654
Email: sjunco en fceia.unr.edu.ar
Geneviève Dauphin-Tanguy
École Centrale de Lille
59651 Villeneuve d'Ascq cedex
Phone: +33 3 20 33 54 02
Fax: +33 3 20 33 54 18
Email: gdt en ec-lille.fr
Call for Papers
The Third International Conference on
Integrated Modeling and Analysis in Applied Control and Automation
Buenos Aires, Argentina
February 8-10, 2007
Part of IMSM07: The International Modeling and Simulation
Full Paper Due: September 29th, 2006
Acceptance Notification: October 28th, 2006
Final Submission: November 30th, 2006
Conference: February 8th-10th, 2007
Objectives and Scope
IMAACA 2007 will bring experts together for the purpose of presenting and
discussing all type of application relevant control and automation
problems emphasizing the role of model analysis as integral part of the
complete design of the automated system. Particularly, it will focus on
new concepts, methods, techniques, and tools conceived in order to
an integrative interplay of modeling, identification, simulation, system
analysis and control theory in all the stages of system design.
Continuous and Hybrid Systems, Lumped and Distributed Parameter Systems,
Switched Systems, Qualitative Modeling, Bond Graph Modeling, Mathematical
Modeling and Numerical Methods, Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, Nonlinear
Systems, Large Scale Systems, Order Reduction and Model Simplification,
System Identification, Adaptive Control, Expert Systems, Industrial
Applications of Advanced Control, Intelligent Control, Multivariable
Control, Nonlinear Control, Robust Control, Networked Control Systems,
Fault Detection, Process Supervision, Software and Tools, Computer-aided
Design, Education.
Application Areas
Aeronautics and Astronautics, Agroindustries, Automation, Biomechanics
Prosthetics, Biomedical Engineering, Car Industry, Chemical Engineering
and Process Control, Electrical and Power Systems, Electrical Drives,
Environmental Systems, Food Industry, Integrated Manufacturing, Marine
Off-Shore Control, Mechatronics, Production Industry, Power Electronic
Systems, Robotics and Mechanical Systems, Textile Industry,
Categories of Presentation
. Panel Discussions
. Regular, Invited/Special Sessions
. Regular and short papers
. Posters
. Tutorials
All submissions are to be made electronically through the conference
website at http://www.lsis.org/imsm07/
Paper Submissions: Only original papers written in English will be
considered on the basis of a full paper revision. After a first review by
the two Chairs for general suitability to the conference, each full paper
will be reviewed by members of the IPC. Please send drafts of about 12-17
pages, double-spaced, pdf or ps format. Include a cover page specifying
"IMAACA 2007", and stating author's names, affiliations, mail addresses,
telephone and FAX numbers, and E-mail addresses.
Special and Invited Sessions/Tracks. Please e-mail to the organizers for
more information:
. GRAPHS: "Graphical Model Based Control and Supervision", organized by
Ould-Bouamama, belkacem.bouamama en univ-lille1.fr, and C. Sueur,
christophe.sueur en ec-lille.fr, (France). Track Plenary Lecture by Pieter
Mosterman, USA.
. C&B: "Automatic Control in Chemical Processes and Bioprocess", SpS
organized by Ricardo Pérez-Correa (P. Univ. Católica de Chile)
perez en ing.puc.cl and Mario A. Fernández-Fernández (Universidad de Talca,
Chile), mafernandez en utalca.cl
If you want to propose a special or an invited session/track, or a
tutorial, please contact the conference chairs at gdt en ec-lille.fr ,
sjunco en fceia.unr.edu.ar.
Conference Chairs
Sergio Junco, Argentina
Geneviève Dauphin-Tanguy, France
International Program Committee
Gonzalo Acuña, Chile
Jorge Luis Baliño, Brasil
Wolfgang Borutzky, Germany
Belkacem Ould Bouamama, France
Per Bjarne Bro, Chile
Jesus Félez, Spain
Mario Fernández, Chile
Hector Jorquera, Chile
Axel Eduardo Larreteguy, Argentina
Xiaoping Liu, Canada
Pieter Mosterman, USA
Yuri Orlov, Mexico
Oscar Alberto Ortiz, Argentina
Ricardo Pérez, Chile
Gerardo Riccardi, Argentina
Xavier Roboam, France
Gregorio Romero, Spain
Bruno Siciliano, Italy
Françoise Simonot-Lion, France
Christophe Sueur, France
Moncef Tagina, Tunisia
Abdelhamid Tayebi, Canada
Kamal Youcef-Toumi, USA
Inge Troch, Austria
Daniel Viassolo, USA
Armand Toguyeni, France
Kostas Tzafestas, Greece
Ing. Sergio Junco
Profesor Asociado
Director Departamento de Electrónica
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Ingeniería y Agrimensura - FCEIyA
Universidad Nacional de Rosario - UNR
Ríobamba 245 bis - S2000EKE Rosario - ARGENTINA
Phone: +54 341 4808543
Fax : +54 341 4802654
Email: sjunco en fceia.unr.edu.ar
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