[NotiAMCA] SBAC-PAD 2007 Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing

Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Mie Abr 18 08:56:14 ART 2007

                     CALL FOR PAPERS

                      SBAC-PAD 2007

   19th International Symposium on Computer Architecture
             and High Performance Computing

           Gramado, Brazil  October 24-27, 2007

           Sponsors: Brazilian Computer Society
                     IEEE Computer Society (pending)


SBAC-PAD is an annual international conference series, the
first of which was held 20 years ago, in 1987. Each
conference has traditionally presented new developments and
high performance applications, as well as the latest trends
in computer architecture and parallel and distributed
technologies. This year, the symposium returns to Gramado,
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The conference will be held at
the Hotel "Serra Azul," located in the heart of downtown
Gramado and within walking distance of the main tourist

SBAC_PAD 2007 will be sponsored by the Brazilian Computer
Society, the IEEE Computer Society (approval pending)
through the Technical Committees on Computer Architecture
(TCCA) and Scalable Computing (TCSC), and IFIP. Authors are
invited to submit manuscripts that present original
unpublished research in all areas of computer architecture
and high performance computing. Work focusing on
applications or emerging technologies is especially
welcome. Topics of interest include, but are not limited

- Application-specific Architectures
- Benchmarking, Performance Measurements and Analysis
- Cache and Memory Architectures
- Embedded Systems
- Fault-Tolerant Architectures and Systems
- Grid, Cluster, and Peer-to-Peer Computing
- High Performance Applications and Parallel and
  Distributed Algorithms
- Interconnection Networks, Routing, and Communication
- Languages, Compilers and Tools for Parallel and
  Distributed Programming
- Load Balancing and Scheduling
- Microarchitecture
- Operating Systems and Virtualization
- Parallel and Distributed Architectures
- Pervasive and Heterogeneous Computing
- Real World Applications and Case Studies
- Reconfigurable Systems

SBAC-PAD invites manuscripts of original research, written
in English and not exceeding 8 pages in double column
following the IEEE Conference style, to be submitted in PDF
format. The proceeding will be published by the IEEE
Computer Society Press.

A blind submission and review process will be used,
therefore papers should be submitted without the authors'
names on the manuscript. Moreover, authors should take any
reasonable precautions to hide their identity. Citations to
the authors' own prior work can be included, but references
should be in the third person. Please check the SBAC-PAD
2007 web site for further paper submission and format
information: http://www.sbc.org.br/sbac/2007/

The authors of selected papers will also be invited to
submitted extended versions of their work for possible
publication in a special issue of the International Journal
of Parallel Programming.

Important Dates

 - Paper Submission deadline             May 28, 2007
 - Author Notification                  July 09, 2007
 - Conference                     October 24-27, 2007

General Chair

Philippe O. Alexandre Navaux (UFRGS, Brazil)

Program Co-chairs

Jean-Luc Gaudiot (UCI, USA)
Vinod Rebello (UFF, Brazil)

Steering Committee

Alberto F. de Souza (UFES, Brazil)
Cláudio L. Amorim (UFRJ, Brazil)
Jairo Panetta (INPE, Brazil)
Jean-Luc Gaudiot (UCI, USA)
Líria M. Sato (USP, Brazil)
Philippe O. Alexandre Navaux (UFRGS, Brazil)
Rajkumar Buyya (UMelb, Australia)
Siang W. Song (USP, Brazil)

Organizing Committee

Adenauer Yamin (UCPEL, Brazil)
Denise Grüne Ewald (CESUP, UFRGS, Brazil)
Lourdes Tassinari (UFRGS, Brazil)
Lucas Schnorr (UFRGS, Brazil)
Nicolas Maillard (UFRGS, Brazil)
Philippe Navaux (UFRGS, Brazil)
Tatiana Santos (UNISC, Brazil)
Vinod Rebello (UFF, Brazil)
Wagner Meira (UFMG, Brazil)

Program Committee

Alba Melo (UnB, Brazil)
Alberto De Souza (UFES, Brazil)
Alex Nicolau (University of California, Irvine, USA)
Alfredo Goldman (USP, Brazil)
Alvaro Coutinho (UFRJ, Brazil)
Bertil Folliot (University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI, France)
Bruno Schulze (LNCC, Brazil)
Celso Mendes (University of Illinois, USA)
Cesar De Rose (PUCRS, Brazil)
Christophe Cerin (Universit Paris 13, France)
Claudio Amorim (UFRJ, Brazil)
Claudio Geyer (UFRGS, Brazil)
Cristina Boeres (UFF, Brazil)
D. Janakiram (Indian Institute of Technology, Madras India)
David Kaeli (Northeastern University, USA)
Denis Trystram  (IMAG, France)
Edil Fernandes (UFRJ, Brazil)
Edson Cáceres (UFMS, Brazil)
Eduardo Bergamini (INPE/CPTEC, Brazil)
Felipe França (UFRJ, Brazil)
Francisco Brasileiro (UFCG, Brazil)
Frank Dehne (Carleton University, USA)
Gabriel P. Silva (UFRJ, Brazil)
Geoffrey Fox (Indiana University, USA)
Jack Dongarra (University of Tennessee, USA)
Jairo Panetta (INPE/CPTEC, Brazil)
Jean-Luc Gaudiot (University of California, Irvine, USA)
José Fortes (University of Florida, USA)
Jose Moreira (IBM, USA)
José Saito (UFSC, Brazil)
Kuan-Ching Li (Providence University, USA)
Lalit Patnaik (Indian Institute of Science, India)
Laurence Yang (St Francis Xavier University, Canada)
Liria Sato (USP, Brazil)
Lucia Catabriga (UFES, Brazil)
Lucia Drummond (UFF, Brazil)
Luiz Barroso (Google, USA)
Luiz DeRose (Cray Inc., USA)
Luiza Mourelle (UERJ, Brazil)
Maria Clicia de Castro (UERJ, Brazil)
Mario Nemirovsky (ConSentry Networks, USA)
Mateo Valero (Technical University of Catalonia, Spain)
Nader Bagherzadeh (University of California, Irvine, USA)
Noemi Rodrigues (PUC-Rio, Brazil)
Orlando Loques (UFF, Brazil)
Osni Marques (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA)
Peter Rounce (University College London, UK)
Philippe Navaux (UFRGS, Brazil)
Priscila M V Lima (UFRJ, Brazil)
Rafael Lins (UFPE, Brazil)
Rajkumar Buyya (University of Melbourne, Australia)
Renato Silva (LNCC, Brazil)
Ricardo Bianchini (Rutgers University, USA)
Ricardo  Corrêa (UFC, Brazil)
Ron Perrott (Queen's University Belfast, UK)
Ronaldo Goncalves (Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Brazil)
Sérgio Kofuji (USP, Brazil)
Siang Song (USP, Brazil)
Srikumar Venugopal (University of Melbourne, Australia)
Valmir Barbosa (UFRJ, Brazil)
Viktor Prasanna (University of Southern California, USA)
Vinod Rebello (UFF, Brazil)
Wagner Meira, Jr. (UFMG, Brazil)
Yale Patt (University of Texas at Austin, USA)

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