[NotiAMCA] post-doc en LANL
Mario Storti
mstorti en intec.unl.edu.ar
Mar Ago 7 19:46:41 ART 2007
Dear Colleagues,
Please forward this postdoc announcement to any potential candidates
you know of who may be interested in subsurface flow and transport
Velimir V Vesselinov
Hydrology, Geochemistry, and Geology Group
Earth and Environmental Sciences Division
Los Alamos National Laboratory
EES-6, MS T003, Los Alamos NM 87545
Tel: 505 665 1458
Fax: 505 665 8737
E-mail: vvv en lanl.gov, monty en mpython.lanl.gov
URL: http://www.ees.lanl.gov/staff/monty
Correspondence / TSPA (if foreign)
The Subsurface Flow and Transport Team in the Hydrology, Geology and
Geochemistry (EES-6) group of the Earth and Environmental Sciences
Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory is seeking outstanding
applicants for postdoctoral positions. The successful applicants will
be have education, training, and experience in model development for
subsurface flow and transport processes on various scales. Potential
research topics include multiphase flow and transport, reactive solute
transport, flow and transport in fractures, particle-tracking
simulation on unstructured grids, and decision analysis under
uncertainty. This work will contribute to ongoing interdisciplinary
investigations that include LANL Environmewntal Investigations, the
Yucca Mountain Projects, oil shale projects, and Nevada Test Site
Environmental Projects.
The Earth and Environmental Sciences Division employs about 300
people, including many postdoctoral associates, with expertise in many
facets of earth science. The Subsurface Flow and Transport Team is
interdisciplinary, working on a wide randge of problems related to
analysis and simulation of multi-phase / multi-component flow and
reactive transport in saturated and unsaturated media. We provide
access to advanced numerical simulation codes and state-of-the-art
computing facilities within our division and at LANL.
Required skills: Applicants must have a strong background in
hydrogeology and demonstrated experience in conceptualization and
numerical development of subsurface flow and transport
models. Applicants should be proficient in one or more programming or
scripting language.
Desired skills: Preference will be given to applicants experienced
with multi-processor computational environments and integrating
state-of-the-art theoretical developments in the area of flow and
transport modeling with analysis of field data. A demonstrated record
of peer-reviewed publications is also highly desirable.
Education: A Ph.D. in Hydrology, Geosciences, or Engineering completed
within the last five years or soon to be completed is required.
For further technical information contact Velimir Vesselinov
(vvv en lanl.gov, 505-665-1458).
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