[NotiAMCA] Scholarship to lecture in the European Masters on Monuments and Historical Constructions

Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Lun Dic 10 10:20:33 ART 2007

Dear colleague,

As you probably know, between October 2008 and July 2009, the “SAMHC - 
Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical 
Constructions” organized by University of Minho, Czech Technical 
University in Prague, Technical University of Catalonia and University 
of Padova will start. This is a one-year MSc full taught in English and 
sponsored by the European Commission as a leading international higher 
education project, see http://www.msc-sahc.org/.

The European Commission is providing the MSc with 4 grants for 
non-European experts (scholars) in the field, preferably to teach in 
Italy or Spain (or again, ideally, both). It might be also possible just 
to supervise students, carry out research in the MSc field and / or 
prepare coursework, also in Portugal and Czech Republic.

The grants are typically for 3 months (they can be only for e.g. 1 or 2 
months if you have less time available), with a maximum of 12750 euro 
(1000 euro for travelling + 3750 euro / month). For the application, we 
will need to send to 
secretariat en msc-sahc.org 
 before the *January 31^st , 2008*:

• Curriculum Vitae

• Letter of intent describing the aims of the exchange and the research 
/ teaching plan during the maximum three months

• Preferred stay location(s) among the four partner institutions.

Enclosed, I send you the tentative calendar of the MSc. A selection 
committee will decide on the scholarships to give to scholars in early 

Best regards,

Paulo Lourenco

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