[NotiAMCA] Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute on Interfacial Fluid Dynamics

Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Mie Feb 21 09:13:05 ART 2007

Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute (PASI)
on Interfacial Fluid Dynamics:
>From Theory to Applications
6-17 August 2007
Mar del Plata, Argentina


PASI (NSF/DOE supported) is an advanced study workshop where senior scientists 
and engineers will present lectures to the participants including advanced 
graduate students, postdocs, professional researchers and faculty members who 
want to learn about this field. In addition, research presentations and 
discussion forums will take place.

PASI lecturers will discuss a variety of issues relevant to modern interfacial 
fluid dynamics. The lectures will be organized in a manner which will allow 
to the participants who are not familiar with this field to learn about 
state-of-the-art techniques from the world-known experts. The topics that 
will be discussed include (i) theory, with emphasis on new developments in 
analytical, computational and multiscale methods; (ii) experiments, stressing 
the important applications involving flows on very small spatial and temporal 
scales; and (iii) applications ranging from coating on small scales relevant 
to e.g. semiconductor industry, porous media flows important in oil recovery, 
and others.

PASI format will include 30-40 participants mainly from the Americas (North, 
Central and South) but also from other parts of the world. Partial or full 
support will be available for the selected participants, with preference 
given to junior (graduate students and postdocs) applicants. Please check 
frequently this web page for additional information. Interested applicants 
may also contact Dr. Kondic at kondic en njit.edu.
Lecturers, Discussion Leaders and Invited Speakers (partial list)

    * J. Diez, UNCPBA, Argentina
    * J. Feng, UBC, Canada
    * J. Gratton, UBA, Argentina
    * D. Joseph, U. Minnesota, USA
    * L. Kondic, NJIT, USA
    * O. Manero, UNAM, Mexico
    * O. Matar, Imperial C., UK
    * M. Miksis, Northwestern U., USA
    * A. Nachbin, IMPA, Brazil
    * P. Neitzel, GeorgiaTech, USA
    * D. Papageorgiou, NJIT, USA
    * E. Rame, NASA, USA
    * M. Rosen, UBA, Argentina
    * M. Shelley, NYU, USA
    * M. Siegel, NJIT, USA
    * P. Steen, Cornell, USA
    * U. Thiele, Max Plank I., Germany
    * J. E. Wesfreid, ESPCI, France

Organizing Committee

    * Lou Kondic, NJIT (kondic en m.njit.edu) (Chair)
    * George (Bud) Homsy, UCSB (bud en engineering.ucsb.edu)
    * Javier Diez, UNCPBA (jdiez en exa.unicen.edu.ar)
    * Marta Rosen, UBA (mrosen en fi.uba.ar)
    * Roberto Zenit, UNAM (zenit en servidor.unam.mx)

Local Organizing Committee

    * Javier Diez, UNCPBA (Chair)
    * Gustavo Galiano, Repsol-YPF
    * Juan Gomba, UNCPBA
    * Alejandro González, UNCBPA
    * Julio Gratton, UBA
    * Irene Ippolito, UBA
    * Carlos Perazzo, U. Favaloro
    * Marta Rosen, UBA

Applications and Financial Support

PASI is intended for advanced graduate students, postdocs, professional 
researchers and junior faculty members who want to learn about the field of 
Interfacial Fluid Dynamics. We welcome all applications independently of 
geographic location, however, the financial aid is subject to the conditions 
described below. There will be no registration fee.

Deadline for applications:
March 15, 2007.

The maximum number of participants is limited, so all interested participants 
are encouraged to apply early, even if financial support is not requested. 
The deadline for applications is March 15, 2007. The applications received 
after the deadline will be considered if the maximum number of participants 
has not yet been reached. Women and members of underrepresented minorities 
are particularly encouraged to apply.

Further information about travel and accommodation for both supported and 
unsupported applicants can be found at the Travel and Accomodation page.

The financial support (including travel, lodging, and local expenses) is 
available to applicants affiliated with an academic institution from the 
North, Central, or South America. The preference will be given to junior 
participants (graduate students working on their thesis research and 




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