[NotiAMCA] 6th Int. Conf. on Inverse Problems in Engineering
sonzogni en ceride.gov.ar
sonzogni en ceride.gov.ar
Lun Oct 15 18:08:48 ART 2007
6th International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering: Theory
and Practice (ICIPE 2008)
Dourdan (Paris), France
June 15-19, 2008
Dear Colleague,
Following up on our previous circular, this message is to remind anybody
interested in submitting a communication proposal that the deadline for
abstract submission (October 15, 2007) is approaching fast.
Abstracts should be submitted exclusively through the Conference website
http://www.icipe2008.ciril.fr, and in accordance with the instructions
posted therein. The Conference website http://www.icipe2008.ciril.fr
also features other details and will be continually updated.
We thank all people who have already submitted abstracts for their
interest in this meeting, and look forward to welcoming you in Dourdan
next year.
With our best wishes,
The ICIPE 2008 organizing committee:
Denis Maillet (chairman),
Stéphane Andre, Marc Bonnet, Andrei Constantinescu, Abdellatif El Badia,
Yvon Jarny.
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