Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Vie Oct 19 12:22:34 ART 2007


Venice June 30 to July 5 2008

Second Open Call for Abstracts

Dear Colleague,

we are pleased to confirm that the organization of the joint VIII World 
Conference on Computational Mechanics (WCCM VIII) and V European Congress on 
Computational Methods in Applied Science and Engineering (ECCOMAS V), to be 
held in Venice from June 30 to July 5 2008, is progressing according to the 

The complete list of accepted Minisymposia can be consulted at 


You are kindly invited to submit a two page abstract for presentation at the 
joint WCCM VIII-ECCOMAS V. The deadline for abstract submission is December 
15th, 2007. The template for abstract preparation and detailed instructions 
for abstract submission can be found at


All abstracts must be submitted through the Conference website. Abstracts will 
be reviewed by the Minisymposia Organizers and by the Organizing Committee. 
Acceptance of abstracts will be notified by January 31st, 2008.

You are also invited to visit the Conference website at


for updated information about the Conference organization. In the case that 
you intend to participate in the Conference, please have in mind that Venice 
is one of the most attractive tourist destinations in the world and that it 
is necessary to plan your trip well in advance. Block reservations of a large 
number of hotel rooms, both on the Lido Island and in the main town have been 
secured by the organization in the interest of the participants. However, 
these reservations will be released by March 31st. Please, make sure to 
complete your booking before this date.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Congress Secretariat at "IACM-ECCOMAS08" 
<IACM-ECCOMAS08 en cimne.upc.edu> for any questions concerning submission and 
review of abstracts.

We thank you in advance for your interest and cooperation towards the success 
of the next IACM / ECCOMAS Congress.

Best regards, 

Bernhard Schrefler
Umberto Perego

Co-chairmen of the IACM / ECCOMAS Congress 2008

Important Dates

December 15th, 2007: Deadline for presenting a one page abstract

January 31st, 2008: Acceptance of the contributions and instructions for 
writing the final one page abstract

February 28th, 2008: Deadline for submitting the final abstract and early 

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