[NotiAMCA] Doctorado en George Mason Univ. (USA)

Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Mie Ene 23 06:55:46 ART 2008

Estimados Victorio, Mario,

Quisiera pedirles si pueden distribuir el siguiente aviso que te mando
para realizar doctorados en Ciencias Computacionales aca en George Mason
University (Virginia - USA).

Tenemos fondos como para uno o dos estudiantes para trabajar en
modelado numerico de flujos sanguineos en aneurismas cerebrales.

Muchas gracias y un saludo,

George Mason University

Graduate Research Assistantships
Graduate research assistantships are available to pursue a PhD in 
Computational Sciences at the Center for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), 
George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA under the supervision of 
Prof. Juan R. Cebral.

The candidate will conduct research in Computational Hemodynamics (blood 
flows) applied to cerebral aneurysms. The aim of this research is to better 
understand the mechanisms responsible for the initiation, evolution and 
rupture of brain aneurysms, which is a devastating disease affecting a 
substantial portion of the population. Better understanding of these 
processes will help medical doctors to improve patient evaluation (better 
assess the rupture risk of a given aneurysm) and personalizing treatment 
plans (select the best therapeutic options available to treat a given 
aneurysm). For these purposes, we develop and use advanced computational 
methods to construct patient-specific models of the blood flow in brain 
aneurysms from three-dimensional medical images. Then, we relate the 
hemodynamics variables such as the wall shear stress derived from these 
models to clinical observations indicative of aneurysm wall weakness such as
wall pulsation, aneurysm growth, bleb formation, rupture, etc.

This highly multidisciplinary research involves medical image processing, 
geometry modeling, meshing, computational fluid dynamics, visualization and 
computer graphics, high performance computing as well as clinical 

This research is supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health 
(NIH) – National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), the 
American Heart Association (AHA), and medical industry companies such as 
Philips Medical Systems and Boston Scientific. These projects are carried out 
in the context of close collaborations with clinical centers, universities 
and national laboratories including the Interventional Neuroradiology Unit of 
Inova Fairfax Hospital in Virginia, Interventional Neuroradiology at 
University of of California Los Angeles, the Department of Technology of the 
Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, and the Laboratory for Computational 
Physics at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington DC.

The successful candidate should be highly motivated, be able to work 
independently, be comfortable working in multidisciplinary teams, be able to 
collaborate with researchers and clinicians from a number of institutions, 
and possess excellent communication skills. He/she should have strong 
background in mathematics, sciences, and computing.

For more information contact Dr. Juan R. Cebral by email: jcebral en gmu.edu
(web page: http://www.cos.gmu.edu/~jcebral)

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