[NotiAMCA] Postdoctoral research position at Geosciences Montpellier

Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Vie Jun 13 07:53:21 ART 2008

Postdoctoral research position (24 months) at Geosciences Montpellier

Position description

24 months postdoctoral research position funded by the Agence Nationale de la 
Recherche (France) project
"CrystalTex: In situ observation of texture evolution during recrystallization 
and phase transition
experiments (2008-2010)". This project aims to constrain the effects of 
recrystallization and phase
transitions on crystallographic textures in order to develop predictive models 
of texture evolution. It is
centered on the investigation of the evolution of texture (crystal-preferred 
orientations) during high-
temperature deformation, recrystallization, and phase transformations 
experiments in the CamScan X-500
Crystal Probe. This microscope, which will be installed in Montpellier in 
December 2007, is the first
scanning electron microscope conceived specifically for in situ texture 
analysis by indexation of electron
back-scattered diffraction (EBSD) patterns during heating and deformation 

Work environment

The CrystalTex project reunites scientists from 3 research groups specialized 
on the study of the evolution
of textures and physical properties of a large variety of crystalline 
materials during high-temperature
deformation, recrystallization, and phase transformations:
1. the Mantle and Core research group at Géosciences Montpellier (UMR 5243 
CNRS & Univ.
  Montpellier 2), specialized on the study of the deformation and physical 
properties of minerals and rocks;
2. the Metallurgy, Structure and Rheology group of the Centre de Mise en Forme 
des Matériaux
  (UMR 763 CNRS & Ecole des Mines de Paris), which investigates the relations 
between microstructures
  and textures of metallic materials produced during the forming processes and 
their final properties;
3. the group " Physicochimie des Matériaux Organisés Fonctionnels" of the 
Institut C. Gerhardt (UMR
  5253 CNRS & Univ. Montpellier 2), specialized on the study of ferroelectric 
and piezoelectric ceramics.
The postdoc will be based at Géosciences Montpellier, one of the major Earth 
Sciences research
laboratories in France, employing 65 permanent researchers, 39 support staff, 
and 50 postdocs and Ph.D.

Proposed research program:

The postdoctoral researcher will:
- participate in the development of the high-temperature deformation stage and 
its implementation in the
CamScan X-500 Crystal Probe;
- perform recrystallization and phase transformation experiments in minerals 
(olivine, quartz, plagioclase,
oxides, carbonates), metals (aluminum, zirconium and tantalum alloys), and in 
- use the in situ observations to refine models of texture evolution during 
recrystallization (focusing in the
continuous recrystallization by subgrain rotation and grain growth) and phase 

Required qualifications

The candidate should have a strong background in crystallography and 
crystalline plasticity. She or he is
expected to have experience in high-temperature experimental deformation, SEM 
operation, and texture
characterization by electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD). Skills in 
programming and in using control
and acquisition systems under LabView environment will be useful. It would 
also be an advantage to have
a background in the operation of control systems involving motors and 
temperature controllers and their
interfacing with computers. The candidate should be able to work in a research 
environment involving
collaboration between researchers from different disciplines (Earth Sciences, 
Material Sciences, and
Chemistry), engineers, and PhD and MSc students.

Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, including a publication list, a 
statement of research interests,
and contact information for three references to Andrea Tommasi 
(andrea.tommasi en gm.univ-
montp2.fr). Starting date should be between as soon as possible. Evaluation of 
applications will begin
immediately and continue until the position is fulfilled.


Andrea Tommasi – 04 67 14 49 12 – andrea.tommasi en gm.univ-montp2.fr
David Mainprice – 04 67 14 32 83 – david.mainprice en gm.univ-montp2.fr

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