[NotiAMCA] New ECCOMAS Awards

Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Mar Mar 4 16:23:05 GMT+2 2008

Dear Colleague,

I am pleased to announce that the Managing Board of ECCOMAS has decided
to deliver three new ECCOMAS Awards offered to the scientific community.
The Awards are:

· The Ritz-Galerkin Medal, honouring individuals who have made
outstanding, sustained contributions in the field of computational
methods in applied sciences.

· The Prandtl Medal, honouring individuals who have made outstanding and
sustained contributions to the area of computational fluid dynamics

· The Euler Medal, honouring individuals who have made outstanding and
sustained contributions to the area of computational solid and
structural mechanics (CSSM).

The Awards will be delivered for the first time at the ECCOMAS-IACM
Congress in Venice (30 June - 4 July 2008). Please find below a
description of the Awards and of the Award selection process.

I invite you to take part in this important initiative by nominating
distinguished scientists for the ECCOMAS Awards.

Yours sincerely,

Eugenio Onate
Chairman of the ECCOMAS Awards Committee 
Past-President of ECCOMAS
Director of CIMNE
Edifici C-1, Campus Nord UPC
Gran Capita, s/n
08034 Barcelona, Spain
onate en cimne.upc.edu


Prizes and Awards
The Ritz-Galerkin Medal
The Ritz-Galerkin Medal is the highest award given by ECCOMAS. It honors
 individuals who have made outstanding,  sustained contributions in the field 
of  computational methods in applied sciences over periods representing 
substantial  portions of their professional careers. The  medal carries the 
images of Walter Ritz  and Boris Galerkin in recognition of the
 synergy between mathematics, numerical analysis, mechanics of solids and 
structures,  fluid dynamics, and other engineering disciplines that underpin 
much of the broad  field of computational methods in applied sciences.
The medal is awarded every four years at the ECCOMAS Congress.

The Prandtl Medal

The Prandtl Medal will be awarded for outstanding and sustained
contributions to the area of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). These
contributions shall generally be in the form of important research
results which significantly advance the understanding and application
of theories and methods impacting CFD. The medal carries the image
of Ludwig Prandtl. The medal is awarded every two years at the ECCOMAS
Computational Fluid Conference or at the ECCOMAS Congress.

The Euler Medal
The Euler Medal will be given for outstanding and sustained
contributions to the area of computational solid and structural
mechanics (CSSM). These contributions shall generally be in the
form of important research results which significantly advance the
understanding and application of mathematical theories and
methods impacting CSSM. The medal carries the image of
Leonhard Euler.  The medal is awarded every two years at the ECCOMAS
Computational Solid and Structural Mechanics Conference or at
the ECCOMAS Congress.

General guidelines for the selection of recipients of the ECCOMAS Awards

All recipients shall be members of organisations affiliated to the European
Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences.

The awards shall not be given more frequently than once every two years in the
case of Prandtl and Euler Awards, and 4 years in the case of the Ritz-Galerkin 

The ECCOMAS Awards Committee, appointed by the Managing Board,
solicits nominations from the ECCOMAS Membership. Nominators may nominate no 
more than one individual for each award. Self-nominations are not accepted. 
Nominators are invited to submit a one-page maximum combined nominating 
statement/vita in support of the nominee. The Awards Committee shall select a 
candidate for each award and present these selections to the ECCOMAS Managing 
Board, for the final decision.

Award Committee

The Award Committee for the ECCOMAS Award 2008 consists of the persons listed 
below. It is the responsibility of the Awards Committee to make all 
preparations for the selection of the awardees and presentation of the awards 
to them at the ECCOMAS Congress or at ECCOMAS Conferences, as appropriate.

Award Committee for the ECCOMAS Awards 2008:

E. Oñate (Chair), O. Mahrenholtz, H. Mang, J. Periaux, N. E. Wiberg

Voting Committee

The Voting Committee consists of one representative of each organization 
affiliated to ECCOMAS and the chairman of the Award Commitee who will chair 
the Voting Committee. Members of the Voting Committee are not eligible for 


The calendar for the Awardees Selection Process is the following:

* First week of March 2008: Announcement of the Awards to the ECCOMAS 
Affiliated Organizations and general ECCOMAS Membership database. Nominations 
must be sent by e-mail to onate en cimne.upc.edu

*  First week of March 2008: Call for proposals for members of the Voting 
Committee to the ECCOMAS Affiliated Organizations. Proposals must be 
submitted by March 31, 2008 at 17:00 hr. (Greenwich meantime). No new members 
for the Voting Committee will be accepted after the fixed date.

* April 7, 2008: Announcement of the Voting Committee in the ECCOMAS web page.

* April 18, 2008, 17:00 (Greenwich meantime): Receipt of proposals for ECCOMAS

* May 19, 2008, 17:00 (Greenwich meantime): End of voting process and 
selection of  awardees. The voting process will be carried out electronically 
via the internet voting platform provided by the ECCOMAS Secretariat at 

Selection of Awardees

Each member of the Voting Committee will be allowed to vote for up to three 
different candidates for each Award in the first voting round.
Each award will be granted to the person receiving the largest number of 
votes, providing this number is greater than one third of the total number of 
persons from the Voting Committee actively participating in the selection of 
that particular award.
A round-off voting will be implemented if no candidate fulfils the conditions 
for receiving the award. Candidates for the round-off will include the 3 
persons receiving the largest number of votes in the first voting round. This 
number will be extended in case of draws.
A draw between candidates fulfilling the rules for receiving the award will 
result in multiple awards.
The Award Committee might decide on the implementation of a subsequent 
round-off voting if necessary.

Barcelona, 3rd, March, 2008.

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