[NotiAMCA] CILAMCE 2008: "Research Beginners on Computational Methods in Engineering"
Victorio Sonzogni
sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Jue Mar 6 08:34:21 GMT+2 2008
Prezados colegas
Estamos convidando a todos a participarem do mini-simpósio “Research
Beginners on Computational Methods in Engineering” a ser realizado em
Maceió, de 4 a 7 de novembro de 2008, no XXIX CILAMCE - Iberian Latin
American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering. Este
mini-simpósio foi criado dentro do CILAMCE com o objetivo de estimular a
participação de alunos de graduação neste evento. No site
http://www.acquacon.com.br/cilamce2008/ vocês podem encontrar todas as
informações sobre este congresso.
Os resumos para o evento devem ser enviados até o dia 15 de março. Este é
um evento tradicional, em sua vigésima nona edição, congregando
pesquisadores e profissionais de mecânica computacional, com inserção na
América Latina e Europa, e organizado pela Associação Brasileira de
Mecânica Computacional. Convidamos àqueles que têm alunos de graduação
trabalhando na área a prestigiarem este mini-simpósio.
Por favor, divulguem este mini-simpósio em sua instituição.
Regina C. P. Leal-Toledo Elson M. Toledo
leal en ic.uff.br emtc en lncc.br
Dear Friends
We are inviting you to participate in the Mini-Symposium "Research
Beginners on Computational Methods in Engineering", created to stimulate
the participation of undergraduate students within the CILAMCE - Iberian
Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering.
This year the Mini-Symposium is organized by Elson M. Toledo
(LNCC/UFJF) and Regina C. P. Leal-Toledo (UFF) and the XXIX CILAMCE -
Iberian Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering
will be held at Maceió, state of Alagoas, Brazil, from November 4 to
7. The event will be hosted by the Graduate Program in Civil Engineering
of Federal University of Alagoas.
Please take a look at the homepage:
to find updated information about the Conference.
The conference has its origins in a meeting for Civil Engineers held in
Rio de Janeiro in 1977 and since 1979, its scope was broadened to
include a wide range of engineering applications.
CILAMCE 2008, the 29th CILAMCE Conference, will maintain the tradition,
established by the previous editions, of providing a general forum for
enhancing interdisciplinary interactions, and collaborations among
researchers, students and professionals interested in the application
of computational methods to engineering.
Call for Papers
One page abstracts are invited by 15 March 2008.
The abstract must contain: Title, authors, addresses, corresponding
author´s e-mail and the name of the associated mini-symposium. For details
about formats and the submission procedure, please visit the conference
website ( <http://www.acquacon.com.br/cilamce2008/>)
The official languages of the conference are English, Spanish, Portuguese
and Italian. Papers and presentations in any official language are
welcome. No simultaneous translations will be provided.
Authors are encouraged to write and present their papers in English.
We look forward to seeing you in Maceió!
Regina Célia P. Leal-Toledo and Elson M. Toledo
leal en ic.uff.br emtc en lncc.br
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