[NotiAMCA] Deadline for SEECCM 2009 and COMPDYN 2009
Victorio Sonzogni
sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Mar Nov 25 09:06:13 ART 2008
Dear Colleague,
This is a kind reminder that the
deadline (November 30^th ) for receiving a one page abstract of your
presentation at ECCOMAS-IACM Special Interest Conference: *2^nd
South-East European Conference on Computational Mechanics
is approaching. We
would appreciate if you could send your Abstract by the end of the week.
Please ignore this notification if you have already sent it.
We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.
Best regards,
Manolis Papadrakakis and Milos Kojic
Co-Chairmen of the Organizing Committee
2nd South-East European Conference on Compuational Mechanics
22-24 June 2009, Rhodes, Greece
Conference Secreteriat:
Institute of Structural Analysis and Seismic Research
National Technical University of Athens
Zografou Campus, Athens 15780
E-mail: seeccm2009 en mail.ntua.gr
Tel: +30 210 7721692
Fax: +30 210 7721693
URL: http://www.seeccm2009.org
Dear Colleague,
This is a kind reminder that the deadline (November 30^th ) for
receiving a one page abstract of your presentation at ECCOMAS Thematic
Conference: 2nd International Conference on Computational Dynamics and
Earthquake Engineering-COMPDYN-2009
(www.compdyn2009.org )
is approaching. We would appreciate if
you could send your Abstract by the end of the week.
Please ignore this notification if you have already sent it.
We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.
Best regards,
Manolis Papadrakakis
Chairman of the Organizing Committee
Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
22-24 June 2009, Rhodes, Greece
Conference Secreteriat:
Institute of Structural Analysis and Seismic Research
National Technical University of Athens
Zografou Campus, Athens 15780
E-mail: compdyn2009 en mail.ntua.gr
Tel: +30 210 7721692
Fax: +30 210 7721693
URL: http://www.compdyn2009.org
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