[NotiAMCA] Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures
Victorio Sonzogni
sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Jue Sep 25 08:28:23 ART 2008
Dear researcher,
Number 3, Volume 5, of the Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures
is now available for free download. Just inform your email address in the
LAJSS webpage www.lajss.org to get access to the following articles:
Neural network approach for failure analysis of rectangular plates under
wedge impact
By M. Hosseini and H. Abbas,
Risk optimization of a steel frame communications tower subject to tornado
By André T. Beck and Camila C. Verzenhassi
A positional FEM Formulation for geometrical non-linear analysis of shells
By Humberto Breves Coda and Rodrigo Ribeiro Paccola
A simulation-driven study of oblique impact of ogival-nosed projectiles on
mild steel armour plates
By M. Raguraman, A. Deb and N.K. Gupta
LAJSS is an international journal, supported by:
Argentinean Association of Computational Mechanics
Brazilian Association of Computational Mechanics
Brazilian Association of Engineering and Mechanical Sciences
Chilean Society for Computational Mechanics
Mexican Association of Numerical Methods in Engineering and Applied Sciences
and it is indexed in the ISI WebofScience:
Next issue is due in December. Enjoy!
Marcilio Alves
Editor LAJSS
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