[NotiAMCA] Postdoc position in Brazil: structural bonding

Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Vie Jul 24 09:10:38 ART 2009

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Asunto: Postdoc position in Brazil: structural bonding
Fecha: Friday 24 July 2009
De: "Adrián P. Cisilino" 
Para: "'Victorio Sonzogni'" 

Hola Victorio

Adjunto un anuncio que me parece puede ser de interés para los miembros del
El anuncio trata sobre una posición de postdoc en la Universidad de


Postdoc Position: Structural Bonding 
Numerical and experimental analysis of bonded structural joints 
Research  and  development  project  in  the  area  of  aircraft  structures,  
partnership between Embraer and Unicamp. Embraer (Empresa Brasileira 
de Aeronáutica) is the largest manufacturer of commercial jets up to 120 
seats,  and  one  of  Brazil’s  leading  exporters.  Unicamp  (Universidade 
Estadual  de  Campinas)  has  projects  that  represent  about  15  %  of all 
research done in Brazilian universities. 
The  research  aims  to  develop  and  validate  methods  for  the  design  
bonded structures with safety and high reliability. 
The  three  year  project  offers  opportunity  for  a  postdoc  position  in  
area  of  numerical  and  experimental  analysis  of  aircraft  structures. 
Activities  will  include  finite  element  modeling,  failure  criteria  of  
joints, fracture, fatigue and buckling tests. Please send electronic CV. 


Embraer: www.embraer.com  

Unicamp: www.unicamp.br/unicamp/en 


Paulo Sollero: sollero en fem.unicamp.br 

Éder Lima de Albuquerque : ederlima en fem.unicamp.br 

Marcelo Ricardo Bertoni Rodrigues: marcelo.bertoni en embraer.com 

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