[NotiAMCA] Calls for Papers:CST2010 and ECT2010

Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Vie Oct 23 09:44:48 ART 2009

Dear Professor Sonzogni

Please note that the call for papers for the following conferences 
closes on 15th November 2009:

CST2010: The Tenth International Conference
on Computational Structures Technology
ECT2010: The Seventh International Conference
on Engineering Computational Technology
Valencia, Spain
14-17 September 2010

Please see the conference website for details and conference themes:

Young Researcher Best Paper Competition: To encourage young 
researchers to attend these conferences a 1000 Euro Young (35 years 
or younger) Researcher Best Paper Prize will be awarded to the best 
paper presented at each of the conferences. (Further details on the website.)

Please email this call to anyone you think may be interested.

Many Thanks

Barry Topping

For DOIs of papers previously presented at this conference series 
please see: http://www.ctresources.info/

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