[NotiAMCA] Call for Nominations for IACM Awards 2010

Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Vie Sep 18 16:47:21 ART 2009

The International Association for Computational Mechanics announces 
five awards to recognize outstanding contributions in computational 

The membership of the IACM (International Association for Computational
Mechanics) and other members of the computational mechanics community 
are invited to submit nominations for the IACM awards. The IACM awards 
are listed below. Self nominations are not accepted.

Each nomination is to be submitted on a single page in pdf format giving
the following information:
1. The name of the award for which the nominee is being nominated
2. The name of the nominee, including a full address and e-mail address
3. The name and e-mail address of the nominator
4. Professional history including major awards (10 lines maximum). 
Need not be a complete-list, only most recent or most important positions
5. A short description of the major accomplishments of the nominee, 
i.e. why is she/he being nominated (not to exceed 500 words and again 
note the one page maximum for items 1 through 5)

A format sheet for the nomination and example is given on the IACM

Nominations must be submitted by November 20, 2009 by e-mail to the
following address (please note that it is crucial to use the following
address-otherwise your nomination will not be accepted): 
n-flannery en northwestern.edu

A description of the IACM awards and the list of winners of awards are
available on the IACM webpage.

Ted Belytschko
Chair IACM Award Honors Committee

See files:



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