[NotiAMCA] WCCM 2012 in Brazil: Mini-Symposium "MS-017 - Advances in the Modelling of Forming Operations"

M. Vaz Jr. M.Vaz en Joinville.udesc.br
Vie Nov 4 14:43:39 ART 2011

Dear Colleague,

Within the *10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics* (WCCM 2012) 
to be held in São Paulo, Brazil between the 8th and 13th of July 2012, 
we are organizing the Mini-Symposium "_*MS-017 - Advances in the 
Modelling of Forming Operations*_".

Due to your research activities in this field, we invite you to submit 
an abstract to our Mini-Symposium. Your contribution is mostly welcomed.

*TOPICS OF INTEREST* (not restricted to):

- Mechanical Formulations;

- Complex Constitutive Equations;

- Inverse Identification Procedures;

- Finite Element Technology;

- Adaptative Remeshing Techniques;

- Contact and Frictional Phenomena;

- Coupling between Different Fields;

- Parallel Computation;

- Three-dimensional Problems.


Abstract submission deadline: November 30, 2011;

Notification of abstract acceptance: until January 31, 2012;

Deadline for full-paper submission: March 31, 2012.


Please go to the abstract submission page (www.wccm2012.com) and select 
the Mini-Symposium "MS-017 - Advances in the Modelling of Forming 

Please, do not hesitate to contact us for further information.

We apologise for cross-postings.

With kind regards,

/Francisco M. Andrade Pires/, University of Porto, Portugal, fpires en fe.up.pt

/Miguel Vaz Júnior/, State University of Santa Catarina -- UDESC, 
Brasil, M.Vaz en joinville.udesc.br

/Pablo A. Muñoz-Rojas/, State University of Santa Catarina -- UDESC, 
Brasil, Pablo en joinville.udesc.br

/José César de Sá/, University of Porto, Portugal, cesarsa en fe.up.pt

Miguel Vaz Júnior><>
M.Eng. Ph.D.

State University of Santa Catarina
Department of Mechanical Engineering
89223-100 - Joinville-SC - Brasil

Tel: +55 47 4009-7971 - Fax: +55 47 4009-7940
E-mail: M.Vaz en Joinville.udesc.br

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