[NotiAMCA] SYMCOMP2013 - Call for Thematic Sessions and Call for papers
Victorio Sonzogni
sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Mie Dic 12 11:51:25 ART 2012
International Conference in Algebraic and Symbolic Computation
(Lisbon, Portugal, September, 9-10 2013)
An ECCOMAS Thematic Conference (www.eccomas.org )
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference SYMCOMP2013 - International
Conference in Algebraic and Symbolic Computation.
SYMCOMP2013 will be held on September, 9-10, 2013, in Lisbon, Portugal.
SYMCOMP2013 aims to bring together academic and scientific communities that are involved
with Algebraic and Symbolic Computation in the most various scientific areas.
Exchanging experiences, ideas or guidelines about current and emerging R&D areas, is a
first major goal. Also due to the multidisciplinary character of this Conference it may
constitute itself as a privileged forum to establish new multidisciplinary collaborations.
With this first call, we would like to invite you to propose a thematic session within
the scope of the Conference, as well as to participate through the presentation of a
If you know Colleagues that may be interested in participating in SYMCOMP2013, please
forward them this email.
Please note these important dates:
Thematic parallel session's (mini-symposium) organization proposal: December 30, 2012
Deadline submission abstract: March 15, 2013
Early payment: April 30, 2013
Other relevant information can be found at www.symcomp2013.com , or requested by email.
We strongly welcome your participation and thank you in advance for your colaboration.
With our best regards
Amélia Loja, PhD Mechanical Engineering
SYMCOMP2013 Chair
PS: We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this message from different sources.
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Prof. Jose Herskovits Norman
OptimizE - Engineering Optimization Lab
Mechanical Engineering Program
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
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