[NotiAMCA] Fwd: [Abmec-l] CILAMCE 2013: Mini Symposium on Advanced Gridding and Discretization Techniques for Petroleum Reservoir Simulation
Victorio Sonzogni
sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Jue Abr 4 10:27:49 ART 2013
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Asunto: [Abmec-l] CILAMCE 2013: Mini Symposium on Advanced Gridding and
Discretization Techniques for Petroleum Reservoir Simulation
Fecha: Mié 03 Abr 2013, 13:54:02
De: Paulo Lyra <prmlyra en padmec.org>
* *
*Mini Symposium on*
* *
Advanced Gridding and Discretization Techniques for Petroleum Reservoir
* *
*to be held at*
* *
XXXIV CILAMCE, Pirenópolis, GO, Brasil, 8 - 13 July 2012.
* *
*ORGANIZERS:*Paulo R. M. Lyra, Clovis R. Maliska, Darlan K. E. Carvalho, Regis
K. Romeu* *
*OBJECTIVES: *The mini-symposium is dedicated to the discussion of
recent developments and applications in the field of Numerical
Simulation of Petroleum Reservoirs and related disciplines, including
new gridding and numerical formulations. The goal is to bring together
researchers, students and professionals in the field of Petroleum
Reservoir Simulation and related areas. The scope of the mini-symposium
ranges from the mathematical and computational methods to the modeling
and simulation of /challenging/ applications in petroleum reservoir
*Web page for CILAMCE: *www.cilamce2013.com.br
*The deadline for Abstract submission is on April 26, 2013. *
Best regards,
Paulo R. M. Lyra, Clovis R. Maliska, Darlan K. E. Carvalho, Regis K. Romeu
Paulo Roberto Maciel Lyra
Associate Professor
High Performance on Computational Mechanics Group
Mechanical Engineering Department
CTG/ Federal University of Pernambuco
Av. da Arquitetura, S/N,Recife/PE - Brazil
CEP 50740-550
Voice: +55-81-2126-8230 (Ext. 235)
Fax: +55-81-2126-8232
E-mail:prmlyra en padmec.org,prmlyra en ufpe.br
Advisory Board, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
Editorial Committee, Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para
Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería
Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Modeling and Simulation for the
Petroleum Industry
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