[NotiAMCA] CFP: Extended Deadline-HPCLatAm 2013 (Mendoza, Argentina)
Victorio Sonzogni
sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Mie Mayo 8 16:54:39 ART 2013
Mendoza, Argentina - July 29-30, 2013
Important Dates
Paper submission deadline (extended!): May 20, 2013
Notification of acceptance: June 15, 2013
The most outstanding papers from the conference will be invited to submit
an extended version
(at least 50% of novel scientific contribution) to one Special Issue in The
Computer Journal (JCR/ISI, Q2, Impact Factor: 0.785, 5-Yr Impact Factor:
The use and development of High-Performance Computing in Latin America
is steadily growing. New challenges come from the new capabilities
provided by clusters, grids, and distributed systems for HPC, promoting
research and innovation in this area.
Building on the great success of the previous five editions, this year
the Latin American Symposium on High Performance Computing will include
three major events: the Second High Performance Computing School (ECAR
2013), the HPCLatAm2013 International Symposium itself (both to be
held in Mendoza, from July 22 to July 30), and the HPC Day (September 18)
within the 42nd Argentine Conference of Informatics (42 JAIIO, to be held
in Universidad Nacional de Cordoba).
The main goal of HPCLatAM2013 is to provide a regional forum fostering
the growth of the HPC community in Latin America through the exchange
and dissemination of new ideas, techniques, and research in HPC.
The symposium will feature invited talks from academy and industry,
short- and full-paper sessions presenting both mature work and new ideas
in research and industrial applications.
The most outstanding papers from the conference will be invited to submit
an extended version (at least 50% of novel scientific contribution) to one
Special Issue in The Computer Journal (JCR/ISI, Q2, Impact Factor: 0.785,
5-Yr Impact Factor: 0.943).
Instructions for Authors
Short- and full-length papers must be written in English according to
Springer LNCS style (guidelines available at:
Papers must not have been previously published or submitted elsewhere.
Submissions will be handled electronically using Easy Chair system
Full papers must not exceed 12 pages, including name, affiliation and
address of the author(s), figures, tables, references, and an abstract of
no more than 200 words.
All full paper submissions will be carefully reviewed by at least two
experts and returned to the author(s) with comments to ensure the high
quality of accepted papers.
Full papers accepted for the program will appear in the HPCLatAm2013
Short papers describing on-going work or ideas to be further discussed
during the conference (must not exceed 4 pages). Short papers accepted for
the program will appear in the proceedings (not expanded to full papers,
and with Short Paper in the title) and be orally presented during the
Symposium (in suitably shorter speaking slots) as a regular part of the
The authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their paper will be
presented at the Symposium. At least one author of each accepted paper
must be duly registered for the symposium in order for the paper to be
scheduled in the papers session and to appear in the HPCLatAm2013
Up-to-date information about the program and the symposium organization
can be found at http://hpc2013.hpclatam.org
Authors of the best papers submitted to the workshop will be invited to
submit their extended versions to a special issue in The Computer Journal
(JCR/ISI, Q2, Impact Factor: 0.785, 5-Yr Impact Factor: 0.943).
Carlos García Garino, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina
Marcela Printista, Universidad Nacional de San Luis, Argentina
Contact Information: hpc2013 (at) hpclatam.org
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