[NotiAMCA] CARLA 2014: Latin American HPC Conference. DEADLINE EXTENDED to July 15.
Mario Storti
mario.storti en gmail.com
Mie Jun 25 12:39:52 ART 2014
The deadline for submitting papers to CARLA 2014 has been extended to
July 15.
Please check the detailed information in carla2014.hpclatam.org
Call for Papers CARLA 2014: Latin American HPC Conference
First HPCLATAM – CLCAR Joint Conference
20 ‐ 22 October 2014, Valparaíso, Chile
Aims & Scope
Building on the success of the previous editions of the HPCLATAM and the
CLCAR Conferences, in 2014 both major HPC Latin‐American workshops will
joint in CARLA 2014, to be held in the Universidad Santa María in
Valparaíso, Chile. This conference also includes the Third High
Performance Computing School ‐ ECAR 2014 (from 13 ‐ 17 October, 2014).
The main goal of CARLA is to provide a forum fostering the growth of the
HPC community in Latin America through the exchange and dissemination of
new ideas, techniques, and research in HPC. The conference will feature
invited talks from academy and industry, short‐ and full‐paper sessions
presenting both mature work and new ideas in research and industrial
applications. Suggested topics of interest include, but are not
restricted to: Parallel Algorithms and Techniques, GPU Computing
Applications, Distributed, Grid, and Cloud Computing, High Performance
Computing Applications, Visualizations and Software Tools, Component
Technologies, Tools and Environments for High Performance System
Instructions for Authors
Authors are invited to submit full and short papers written in English,
according to the Springer LNCS style. Full papers must have between 10
to 15 pages and short papers must have between 4 to 6 pages. Papers must
not have been previously published or submitted elsewhere. Submissions
will be handled electronically using the Easy Chair system. All paper
submissions will be carefully reviewed by at least two experts and
returned to the author(s). The authors of accepted papers must guarantee
that their paper will be presented at the conference.
Proceedings and Special Issues in Journals
All accepted full papers will be included in the CARLA 2014 proceedings
that will be published in the serie CCIS of Springer: Communications in
Computer and Information Science. In addition, authors of accepted full
papers will be invited to submit extended versions to a Special Issue of
Cluster Computing (Impact factor: 0.776). All accepted short papers will
be published electronically in the “Book of Ongoing Works”.
Organized by: CCTVal (USM) & NLHPC (UCHILE)
General Chair: Gonzalo Hernández (carla2014 at hpclatam.org)
Mario Alberto Storti,
Tel: +54-342-4511594 (ext 1015)
e-mail: mario.storti at gmail.com, Skype: mstorti
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