[NotiAMCA] enief 2014 : Uncertainty and stochastic modeling
Victorio Sonzogni
sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Dom Mar 16 10:59:44 ART 2014
Dear Colleagues,
We are developing a session on ‘Uncertainty and stochastic modeling’ inthe forthcoming congress ENIEF 2014, to be held in the beautiful cityBariloche, Argentina, September 23-26, 2014.
Computer simulations have become an essential tool for the design andanalysis of complex mechanical systems. However, every numerical modelthat predicts the dynamic response of mechanical systems hasuncertainties. Such uncertainties are associated with the lack ofknowledge of the physical parameters involved with approximations inherentin the formulation,numerical approximation and unmodeled phenomena. The material properties ,load conditions and boundary conditions are the usual sources ofuncertainty in mechanical models. The simulation of such systems can berobust only if the uncertainties can be modeled and its impact quantified.Treating uncertainties is a critical element in the design of a robustsystem which has low sensitivity to the expected uncertainties. Thepurpose of this session is to bring together researchers and practitionerson issues related to uncertainty in design, simulation of mechanicalsystems using probabilistic and non- probabilistic methods.
The deadline for abstract submissions is March 16, however it will beextended to for more than a week.Check the congress site http://mecom.cnea.gov.ar/index.php/enief-2014 andthen go to Abstract Submission Area
Please consider participating in this event. We very much look forward tomeeting you in Bariloche to have stimulating scientific discussions.Best regards,
Marcelo T. PiovanMarta B. RosalesRubens Sampaio
Rubens Sampaio
Professor Titular da PUC-Rio
Departamento de Eng. Mecânica
Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225
22453-900 Rio de Janeiro RJ
Tel: 55-21-35271172
fax: 55-21-35271165
celular: 55-21-981688866
e-mail: rsampaio en puc-rio.br
URL: http://www.mec.puc-rio.br/dem_perfil.php?id=43
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