[NotiAMCA] Cargos en la PUC
Diego Celentano
dcelentano en ing.puc.cl
Mar Sep 16 19:33:50 ART 2014
Estimados socios de la AMCA,
Por medio de este mensaje les comunico la apertura de una convocatoria para cargo de profesor en la Pontificia Universidad Cat?lica de Chile. Se adjunta el anuncio del mismo. Muchas gracias.
Saludos cordiales,
Diego Celentano
The Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile is proud to open a call for eight tenure track full-time faculty positions in Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering. The candidates will be part of the Initiative of Biological and Medical Engineering, a joint venture of the Schools of Engineering, the School of Medicine and the School of Biological Sciences. The positions are available immediately and the call will be open until November 9th.
We seek candidates in the following areas:
- Reconstruction and inverse problems;
- Environmental biotechnology, Biofilms;
- Computational biology, System biology, Bioinformatics;
- Synthetic Biology;
- Quantitative physiology, Quantification and Simulation of physiological systems;
- Mechanobiology, Biophysics, Experimental biomechanics;
- Regenerative Medicine, Tissue Engineering, Stem Cells, Biomaterials; and
- Reconstructive Medicine, Medical Devices, Biomedical Instrumentation, Implants, Prosthetics, Orthotics, Bionics.
For more information and instruction on how to apply, please refer to http://www.ing.puc.cl/nuestra-escuela/faculty-positions/areas-to-apply/biological-medical-engineering/
or email the Director of the Initiative, Dr. Pablo Irarrazaval (pim en ing.puc.cl<mailto:pim en ing.puc.cl>).
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