[NotiAMCA] Research position in river, coastal and estuarine morphodynamics

Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Mie Feb 18 10:04:20 ART 2015

Job offer: Research position in river, coastal and
estuarine morphodynamics

Saint-Venant Hydraulics Laboratory, Université Paris Est
(joint research unit Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, EDF, Cerema)
Location: EDF Lab Chatou (France)

The Saint-Venant Hydraulics Laboratory from Université Paris-Est seeks to fill a three-year
research position in the field of sediment transport and morphodynamics, with applications to
rivers, estuaries and coastal zones.
The Saint-Venant Hydraulics Laboratory is a joint research laboratory between Ecole des Ponts
ParisTech (ENPC), Electricité de France R&D (EDF R&D) and Cerema. This gives it a unique
position in the field of applied fluid mechanics, at the interface between academy and industry.
Requisites are research interest in fundamental and applied sediment transport and morphodynamic
processes by using experimental (physical scale models) and/or computational methods (in-house
and open-source models). The use and development of high performance numerical computing or
experimental methods are highly desirable.
Successful applicants should, by the start of the appointment, have a Ph.D. in Geophysics, Applied
Mathematics, Applied Physics, Computer Sciences or Mechanical/Civil Engineering. Applicants at
the level of Assistant or Associated Professor are welcome. Applicants should show exceptional
potential for leadership in research and education. In particular, the successful applicant will show a
firm commitment to maintaining an integrated research and mentoring program for junior scientists’
The researcher will be employed by Ecole des Ponts ParisTech (ENPC), with a 3 years contract.
Salary and benefits will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.

About our laboratory and the host research team:

The Saint-Venant laboratory is actively engaged in fundamental and applied research, and its
research activities are organized along three main themes: (A) Waves and marine hazards, (B)
Modeling and simulation of free-surface flows, (C) Sediment transport and morphodynamics.
The proposed position will be in this latter theme C, whose leader is Dr. Damien Pham Van Bang.
The sediment transport and morphodynamics team focuses on fundamental and applied research of
river, coastal and estuarine processes at different space and time scales, ranging from the prediction
of the dynamics large-scale morphodynamics structures to the analysis of scour processes nearby
hydraulic structures. We combine state-of-the-art techniques of laboratory and numerical modelling
with theoretical models to a better understanding of the complex interactions between flow and
sediment transport free-surface surface flows.

The laboratory has access to a unique variety of facilities, such as the 8000 m2 of experimental
facilities and the development of high-performance Computational Fluid Dynamics models for
environmental flows and transport processes, including the open-source Telemac-Mascaret
modelling system (http://www.opentelemac.org). The laboratory is located on the EDF Lab site in
Chatou (France), about 15 km from Paris downtown.
More information about our laboratory can be found at: http://www.saint-venant-lab.fr

How to apply:

Applicants should send to Dr. Damien Pham Van Bang (see e-mail address below): a cover letter,
CV, statement of research interest, sample publications, at least two reference letters and a research
proposal (2 pages max.).
All applications completed by April 31st, 2015 will receive full consideration, but candidates are
urged to submit all required material as soon as possible. Applications will be accepted until the
position is filled.

For additional information, please contact:
- Prof. Michel Benoit [head of Saint-Venant Laboratory],
e-mail: michel.benoit en edf.fr or michel.benoit en saint-venant-lab.fr. Phone +33 (0)
- Dr. Damien Pham Van Bang [leader of theme C Sediment transport and morphodynamics],
e-mail: damien.pham-van-bang en cerema.fr. Phone +33 (0)

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