[NotiAMCA] Symposium tribute to Prof. L. Godoy , ENIEF 2016

Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Mar Mayo 3 16:57:04 ART 2016

Dear Colleagues,We are pleased to make known that
in the XXII Congress on Numerical Methods and Applications, ENIEF 2016, a Symposium
as a tribute to Prof. LUIS A. GODOY, for his academic and scientific
achievements, has been programmed. The Symposium will take place at the
Facultad Regional Córdoba - Universidad Tecnológica Nacional in Córdoba,
Argentina, from 8 to 11 Novembre 2016 You are cordially invited to
participate in the tribute by presentation of a work.More information on the ENIEF conference can
be found at https://www.frc.utn.edu.ar/enief2016/ 
Abstract submission deadline is May ​21, 201​6. 
We look forward to your valuable participation.We will be
waiting for you.​ Sergio ElaskarPatricia Dardati 
Patricia Dardati
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