[NotiAMCA] PhD and postdoctoral positions at BCAM

Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Jue Nov 16 10:43:36 ART 2017


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PhD and postdoctoral positions at BCAMPostdoctoral Fellowship in Mathematical NeuroscienceBCAM, the Basque Center for Applied Mathematics http://www.bcamath.org whose mission is to develop high quality interdisciplinary research in the frontiers of Applied Mathematics, has opened the following position:Nro PositionsPIPosition OfferedBasis & RulesApplication FormDeadline1S. RodriguesPostdoctoral Fellowship at the interface between Algebraic Topology and Neuronal systemsPDFwebsite05/DEC/17All applications must be submitted on-line. We kindly ask you to distribute this call among colleagues and potential candidates. Please, do not hesitate to contact us if you need further information: recruitment en bcamath.org PhD Fellowships INPhINT 2018 "LaCaixa" 11 PhD project thesis at BCAMLa Caixa foundation has published the call for 57 PhD fellowships in the framework of the "INPhINIT" program. The deadline is February 1st, 2018.  INPhINIT targets the most motivated PhD candidates by addressing the research areas in which Spain excels: Bio and Health Sciences, Technology, Physics, Engineering and Mathematics.  INPhINIT recruits per call 57 Early-Stage Researchers of any nationality, who enjoy a 3-year employment contract.BCAM – Basque Center for Applied Mathematics http://www.bcamath.org, is a "Severo Ochoa" Centre and Host Institution in INPhINIT call. BCAM mission is to develop high quality interdisciplinary research in the frontiers of Applied Mathematics. Our profiles offered are: Research areaPIPhD project thesisHow to apply and further information Application FormApplied AnalysisA.ZarnescuMathematical Design of Complex MaterialsPDFwebsiteApplied StatisticsD.J. LeeSparse array regression and variable selection in high-dimensional problemsPDFwebsiteApplied StatisticsM.X.  RodríguezStatistical modelling of high-throughput phenotypic data in plant breedingPDFwebsiteMathematical Neuroscience S. RodriguesControlling Neurons in Real-TimePDFwebsiteMathematical NeuroscienceS. RodriguesModelling and Unravelling Complex Neuron CommunicationPDFwebsiteMachine LearningJ.A. LozanoRare event prediction with machine learning methodsPDFwebsiteHeuristic OptimizationJ.A. LozanoEstimation of Distribution Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems with ConstraintsPDFwebsiteMachine LearningJ.A. LozanoData mining of stream time seriesPDFwebsiteComputational Mathematics D. PardoMulti-scale Refined Isogeometric Analysis (rIGA) for the Efficient Simulation of Elasto-acoustic Properties of Porous RocksPDFwebsiteComputational MathematicsM. BartonEfficient Flank Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) Machining  with Generally-Curved Milling ToolsPDFwebsiteStatistical Physics G. PagniniWildfire Propagation ModellingPDFwebsite  The conditions are the following:3-years contract Incorporation date: October 2018. January 2019 under extraordinary circumstances. 104.400 euros (34.800 euros per year) including salary, employee social security contribution, income taxes and all compulsory employers’ contributions, this is equivalent to a gross salary approx 26.000 euro - 28.000 euro per year.10.692 euros (3.564 euros per year) for research costs such as conferences and workshops attendance, short-stays, consumables and intellectual property costs, among others. PhD Award of 7.500 euros will be granted to researchers that submit their thesis within 6 months after the end of the fellowship. Complementary training programme: Technology Transfer and Entrepreneurship workshops by Oxford University Innovation. Professional and Career Development sessions by Vitae. High-quality academic and industrial secondments. Participation in outreach and social events of la Caixa Foundation Eligibility requirements:At the time of recruitment (start date of the contract with the Research Centre), candidates must be in the first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of their research careers and not yet have been awarded a doctoral degree. At the time of recruitment, candidates must comply with one of the following options: To have completed the studies that lead to an official Spanish (or from another country of the European Higher Education Area) university degree awarding 300 ECTS credits, of which at least 60 ECTS credits must correspond to master level. To have completed a degree in a non-Spanish university not adapted to the European Higher Education Area that gives access to doctoral studies. The verification of an equivalent level of studies to the ones mentioned above will be made by the university when the admission procedure starts. Mobility Rule: Candidates must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Spain for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the recruitment date. Short stays such as holidays will not be taken into account. Demonstrable level of English (B2 or higher). Please do not hesitate to contact us for any additional information   recruitment en bcamath.org.   Postdoctoral Grants MINECO 2017 BCAM offers an attractive environment as host institution of the following different programs of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO). These programs will open soon the following calls: Ramón y Cajal 2017 (RYC2017). (Tenure positions)

Application period: 14/12/2017 - 16/01/2018

5-years contract. 

Candidate Profile: PhD between 01/01/2007 -- 31/12/2014

Application website: Link Juan de la Cierva (JDC-I2017)-Incorporation (Postdoctoral fellowship positions)

Application period: 20/12/2017 - 10/01/2018

2-years contract.

Candidate Profile: PhD between 01/01/2013 -- 31/12/2015

Application website: Link Juan de la Cierva (JDC-F2017)-Training (Postdoctoral fellowship positions)

Application period: 21/12/2017 - 11/01/2018

2-years contract. 

Candidate Profile: PhD between 01/01/2016 -- 31/12/2017

Application website: Link  

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