[NotiAMCA] Post-doc Bordeaux "Numerical methods for massively parallel simulations applied to nanoparticle processing"

Mario Storti mario.storti en gmail.com
Jue Ene 25 12:47:44 ART 2018

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Stéphane Glockner <glockner en enscbp.fr>
Date: 24 January 2018 at 06:21
Subject: post-doc position Bordeaux
To: mario.storti en gmail.com

Dear Mario Storti,

I propose a post-doctoral position at the I2M laboratory (Bordeaux) which may
interest a PhD-student or an actual post-doc of your department.

The subject is "Numerical methods for massively parallel simulations
applied to nanoparticle processing". This post-doctoral position aims to
revisit the physical models and the numerical methods to drastically
shorten the computation time of our code. We are looking for a high
skilled numerical and developer profile (enclosed a full description
of the subject).

Could you please forward this offer to potentially interested people?

Thanks for your help, best regards,
Stéphane Glockner

 Stéphane Glockner
 Institut de Mécanique et d'Ingénierie de Bordeaux I2M - UMR 5295
 Département TREFLE - Equipe Mécanique des Fluides Numérique
 16,avenue Pey Berland - 33607 Pessac Cedex
 Tél : 05 40 00 66 82  Fax : 05 40 00 66 68
 Web : http://i2m.u-bordeaux.fr

MORE INFO: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BziaLfdwus5Cb2VTNVlGeDVDcWs4dGtSY1pyX2F2cVY3MW5F

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