[NotiAMCA] ENIEF 2019 - Bioengineering session - Prórroga para recepción de resúmenes

Pablo Javier Blanco pablo.j.blanco en gmail.com
Lun Abr 29 16:37:44 -03 2019

Deadline extended to May 15, 2019.

[Please help us spreading this information among your colleagues- Apologies
for cross-posting]


*Computational Modeling in Bioengineering, Biomechanics and Biomedical
Dear Colleagues,
It is our pleasure to invite you to submit an abstract to the Session on
“Computational Modeling in Bioengineering, Biomechanics and Biomedical
Systems” that we are organizing as part of the ENIEF 2019 conference that
will be held at the “Estación Belgrano” Convention Center, Santa Fe,
Argentina, on November 5-8, 2019. More information about the ENIEF
conference can be found at:

Abstract submission deadline is May 15, 2019. To submit an abstract for
this session please visit the ENIEF 2019 website for instructions.

Thanks in advance for your consideration.
We are looking forward to meeting all of you at Santa Fe in November.
Best regards,
Pablo J. Blanco,
Santiago A. Urquiza
Gonzalo D. Ares
Carlos A. Bulant


*Computational Modeling in Bioengineering, Biomechanics and Biomedical

The aim of this session is to bring together researchers to share their
latest scientific achievements in the field of computational modeling and
numerical simulation of bioengineering, biomechanics and biomedical
systems. Theoretical, numerical and practical contributions in the
following areas and topics are welcome:
-Anatomical modeling from medical images
-Fluid-structure interaction in physiological flows
-Inverse problems for in vivo material characterization
-Modeling and simulation of tissue growth and remodeling
-Biomechanical multi-scale modeling of living tissues
-Physiological modeling of organs and systems
-Biochemical transport
-Validation of biomedical models
-Virtual and augmented reality tools for simulation and surgery
-Real-time aspects of biomedical simulation
-Application of models in medical practice

Dr. Pablo J. Blanco
(LNCC/MCTIC, Petrópolis, Brazil)
pjblanco en lncc.br

Dr. Santiago A. Urquiza
(UNMDP, Mar del Plata, Argentina)
santiago.urquiza en fi.mdp.edu.ar

Dr. Gonzalo D. Ares
(UNMDP, Mar del Plata, Argentina)
gonzaloares en gmail.com

Dr. Carlos A. Bulant
(UNCPBA, Tandil, Argentina)
carlos.alberto.bulant en gmail.com
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