[NotiAMCA] VIRTUAL MODALITY - MuSMe 2021 - 7th International Symposium on Multibody Systems and Mechatronics | 12-15 October 2021
Mario Storti
mario.storti en gmail.com
Vie Abr 2 07:30:25 -03 2021
(Our apologies if you have received duplicated invitations. Please, resend
to your colleagues)
Dear colleagues,
We really would like to host all of you in Córdoba, Argentina, this year
but we cannot ensure the visitor's health in current conditions. Therefore
the modality of the 7th MuSMe symposium was changed to VIRTUAL to avoid the
spread out of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Due to the few submissions received, the deadline for paper submission was
extended to 15th April 2021. The registration fees were updated. Please,
visit our website:
We believe that the virtual modality and the new fees will attract and
promote your participation.
Kind regards,
Martín Pucheta (CIII/UTN-FRC & CONICET), mpucheta en frc.utn.edu.ar
Co- chair:
Alberto Cardona (CIMEC / UNL-CONICET), acardona en unl.edu.ar
Dr. Ing. Martín Alejo Pucheta
* Investigador Adjunto en CONICET
* Profesor Titular Ord. de Mecánica Técnica en
Dept. de Ingeniería Eléctrica, UTN-FRC
* Director de investigación en
Centro de Investigación en Informática para la Ingeniería (CIII)
Facultad Regional Córdoba - Universidad Tecnológica Nacional
Maestro M. Lopez esq. Cruz Roja Argentina
Ciudad Universitaria - X5016ZAA Córdoba Capital, Argentina
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