[NotiAMCA] International Workshop on Machine Learning for Space Weather
Centro de Metodos Numericos
cemnci en herrera.unt.edu.ar
Jue Ago 25 08:30:54 -03 2022
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that the application for the "International
Workshop on Machine Learning for Space Weather: Fundamentals, Tools and
Future Prospects" is now open. This is an ICTP activity to be held in
Argentina from 07-11 November 2022.
Please check the Webpage https://indico.ictp.it/event/9840/ for further
details and on how to apply.
Please feel free to forward this information to colleagues and students
interested in applying.
Best regards
*Dra. María Graciela Molina*
Professor FACET -UNT
Researcher CONICET
Associated researcher INGV
Av. Independencia 1800, Tucumán - Argentina
Tel: +54-381-4364093 (ext.7765)
gmolina en herrera.unt.edu.ar /
*m.graciela.molina en gmail.com* <m.graciela.molina en gmail.com>
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