<html><head><style> body {height: 100%; color:#000000; font-size:12pt; font-family:Times New Roman;}</style></head><body>CALL FOR PAPERS<br><div dir="ltr"><br> <br><br>Mini Symposium on<br><br> <br><br>GENERALIZED/EXTENDED FEM AND OTHER ENRICHED PARTITION OF UNITY BASED METHODS - IN CELEBRATION OF THE 70th BIRTHDAY OF PROF. CLOVIS DE BARCELLOS<br><br> <br><br>to be held at<br><br> <br><br>XXXIV CILAMCE, Pirenópolis, GO, Brasil, November 10th to 13th, 2013.<br><br><br>Deadline for submitting abstracts 04/26/2013<br> <br><br>OBJECTIVES: <br><br>Generalized or Extended FEM have played an increasingly important role in computational engineering and science, specially in structural mechanics. These strategies, based on the idea of adding refinements to a set of partitions of unity, flexibilize the construction of approximations to meet specific needs for different applications. Some a priori knowledge regarding the nature of a problem, for instance, may be used and, in addition to the inherent ability of add algebraic refinements like p-enrichment, localized k-refinement allows recovering the higher-order smoothness commonly provided by mesh-free methods. This mini-symposium celebrates the 70th birthday of Prof. Clovis S. de Barcellos who has been a dedicated researcher and instructor, committed with a wide range of problems related to theoretical and computational solids mechanics. Prof. Barcellos has achieved important contributions in the development of Generalized/Extended FEM and this session aims to bringing together researchers and engineers whose carrer and/or research work have/has been influenced by his work. Contributions related, but not limited, to the identification and characterization of problems where GFEM, XFEM and other enriched partition of unity methods (EFG, hp-clouds) or other mesh-free methods show advantages, mathematical theory, error analysis, higher-order approximations, computational implementation aspects are welcome.<br><br><br>Web page for CILAMCE: <a href="http://www.cilamce2013.com.br" target="_blank">www.cilamce2013.com.br</a><br><br><br>Best regards,<br><br> <br><br>Diego Amadeu F. Torres, Felício Bruzzi Barros, Roberto Dalledone Machado<br><br></div><br></body></html>