[NotiAMCA] CSSM2006 - III European Conference on Computational
Solid and Structural
Victorio Sonzogni
sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Mie Mayo 18 15:38:14 ART 2005
CSSM2006 - III European Conference on Computational Solid and Structural
Lisbon, Portugal, 5-8 June 2006.
Conference Webpage: http://www.cssm2006.org
Conference E-mail: cssm2006 en dem.ist.utl.pt
Dear Colleague
Following the very successful European Conferences on Computational
Mechanics (Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems in Engineering) in
Munich, Germany (1999) and in Krakow, Poland (2001), the European Committee
Computational Solid and Structural Mechanics of ECCOMAS is organizing
the III European Conference on Computational Solid and Structural Mechanics,
which will be held in Lisbon, Portugal, 5-8 June 2006,
in the National Laboratory for Civil Engineering.
The Conference will address all current research topics and advanced
applications of Computational Solid and Structural Mechanics, Computational
Methods, Coupled Problems and Industrial Applications.
The technical program of the CSSM2006, will feature four Plenary
Lectures, more than forty Keynote Lectures and numerous Mini-Symposia.
The social program will take advantage of the fine weather, the
historical richness and beauty, and the cosmopolitan and cultural advantages
Portugal's capital, Lisbon.
For further information on this conference, please consult the
Conference Webpage:
The Portuguese Association of Theoretical, Applied and Computational
Mechanics welcome you in Lisbon next
Prof. Carlos A. Mota Soares
(Co-Chairperson of CSSM2006)
Mini-Symposium Proposals: 30th June 2005
Abstract Submission: 14th November 2005
Notification of Acceptance: 16th January 2006
Paper Submission: 6th March 2006
Early Registration: 31st March 2006
The Organizing Committee welcomes Proposals for Mini-symposia until June
The proposed Title of the Mini-Symposium and a short Abstract
appropriate for public posting should be submitted.
The proposals should be submitted by e-mail to Prof. Carlos Mota Soares
at carlosmotasoares en dem.ist.utl.pt
The Organizers of Mini-Symposia have a reduced Registration Fee, equal
to the Student fee.
Mini-Symposium proposals will be reviewed on a continuous basis until
the proposal deadline, June 30, 2005.
The participation of young researchers in these Mini-Symposia is
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