[NotiAMCA] Cilamce 2013_Mini-symposium: Advanced Analysis in Steel and Composite Structures

Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Jue Abr 25 16:38:56 ART 2013

Dear Colleagues,
We are inviting you to
participate in the Mini-Symposium “Advanced Analysis in Steel and
Composite Structures",
organized by José Guilherme
Santos da Silva (UERJ) and Ricardo Azoubel da Mota Silveira (UFOP), within the 
which will be held at Pirenópilis, Goias, Brazil, from November 10 to 13, 

event will be hosted by the Brazilian Association for
Computational Methods in Engineering (ABMEC) and 

Graduate Program on
Geotechnics, Structures and Civil Construction (PPG-GECON) – School of Civil
Engineering – Federal University of Goiás.
Please take a look at the homepage http://www.cilamce2013.com.br/index.html
to find updated information about the
Call for
One page
abstracts are invited by April 26, 2013.
For details about formats and the abstract
submission procedure, please visit the conference website 
We look forward to seeing you in Pirenópilis !
Best Regards,
José Guilherme Santos da Silva (UERJ),jgss en uerj.br
Ricardo Azoubel da Mota Silveira (UFOP), ramsilveira en yahoo.com.br

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