[NotiAMCA] posiciones para Postdoc y PhD en CIMNE (Barcelona, España)
Mario Storti
mario.storti en gmail.com
Vie Feb 7 10:20:37 ART 2014
Javier Principe (CIMNE) nos acerca información sobre estas posiciones
Postdoc position in parallel adaptive finite element multiphysics
solvers at CIMNE-UPC, Barcelona
The International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE)
at BarcelonaTech-Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya (UPC) is seeking
a postdoctoral candidate to work on scalable preconditioners for
adaptive finite element multiphysics solvers. The candidate will
belong to the newly created Large Scale Computing and Computational
Physics department, which is focused on the development of
computational methods for the numerical approximation of Partial
Differential Equations (PDEs).
The creation of this group is funded by the European Union through the
Starting Grant COMFUS (Dr. Santiago Badia) from the European Research
Council (ERC) and the FP7 project NUMEXAS: Numerical Methods and Tools
for Key Exascale Computing Challenges. We are looking for excellent
candidates holding a PhD in Applied Mathematics, Computational
Mechanics/Physics or Computer Science. Background on parallel
computing, domain decomposition techniques and/or finite elements will
be highly appreciated. The candidate would collaborate in the
development of scalable adaptive finite element solvers, with
application to plasma physics and fusion engineering. The position
will remain opened till filled, but it is recommended to apply before
the end of March 2014. The appointment is originally for 2 years but
can be extended. The salary would be among 32,000-40,000 EUR, but the
numbers are flexible and will depend on experience. Send your
application, providing CV, to: comfus en cimne.upc.edu. Recommendation
letters will likely be requested.
PhD fellowships at CIMNE-UPC, Barcelona
The Computational Physics and Large Scale Computing department at the
International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE),
BarcelonaTech (UPC), is seeking candidates for PhD studies. The
department is focused on the development of computational methods for
the numerical approximation of partial differential equations (PDEs)
and is partially funded by the European Union through the Starting
Grant COMFUS (Dr. Santiago Badia) from the European Research Council
(ERC) and the FP7 project NUMEXAS: Numerical Methods and Tools for Key
Exascale Computing Challenges. We are looking for motivated candidates
with a MSc in engineering, mathematics, physics or computer
science. Excellent qualifications will be important, since students
are also expected to apply for competitive PhD fellowships. We have
opening PhD fellowships on high order finite element techniques,
adaptive finite element solvers, domain decomposition preconditioners,
with application to plasma physics and fusion engineering. The
positions will remain open till appropriate candidates will be found
but it is recommended to apply before the end of March 2014. Send your
application, providing CV, to comfus en cimne.upc.edu
Please contact sbadia en cimne.upc.edu or visit
for further information.
Mario Alberto Storti,
Tel: +54-342-4511594 (ext 1015)
e-mail: mario.storti at gmail.com, Skype: mstorti
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