[NotiAMCA] Fwd: Call for Papers: AST 2014, Argentine Symposium on Technology - 43 JAIIO

Mario Storti mario.storti en gmail.com
Sab Feb 22 02:44:10 ART 2014

Argentine Symposium on Technology

AST 2014: Call for Papers
43JAIIO - 43rd Argentine Conference on Informatics and Operations Research
1st, 2nd September, 2014
Universidad de Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina

AST, the Argentine Symposium on Technology, provides an open forum for
researchers and developers from industry and academia worldwide where they
can present and discuss their research on computing technology and its

Topics of Interest
In AST 2014 we expect to stress the theoretical and applied research
results on the general area of Computer and Sensor Networks, Imaging and
Multimedia Applications and Signal Processing. The topics of interest in
AST 2014 include but are not limited to:

- Digital Image and Video Processing
- HDTV Applications
- Multimedia Applications
- Scientific Visualization
- Virtual and Augmented Reality
- Computer Vision
- Human-computer interaction. Virtual set environments
- Multi-sensor Imaging and Sensor Fusion
- Wired and Wireless Networks
- Applications of Computational Intelligence
- Computer and Sensor networks
- Information and Communication Theory
- Optical and Satellite Communications
- Digital Signal Processing
- Speech Processing, Speech Recognition and Speech Synthesis
- Emotion Recognition, Affective Computing
- Identification and Estimation
- System Modeling and Simulation
- Linear and Nonlinear Systems
- Biomedical engineering
- Bioinformatics
- Medical Imaging
- Embedded systems. FPGA and DSP implementations
- Robotics

Program Co-Chairs
* Dr. Mario Hueda (UNC-CONICET)
* Dr. Mónica G. Larese (UNR-CIFASIS-CONICET)

Preliminary Program Committee
* Dr. Albornoz, Enrique (UNL-CONICET)
* Dr. Castro, Silvia (UNS)
* Dr. Cerdá, Mauricio (SCIAN Lab-Univ. Chile)
* Dr. Corral Briones, Graciela (UNC-CONICET)
* Dr. D'Amato, Juan (UNICEN-CONICET)
* Dr. Delrieux, Claudio (UNS)
* Dr. Di Persia, Leandro (UNL-CONICET)
* Dr. Finochietto, Jorge (UNC-CONICET)
* Dr. Galarza, Cecilia (UBA-CONICET)
* Dr. Giovaninni, Leonardo (UNL-CONICET)
* Dr. Gómez, Juan C. (UNR-CIFASIS)
* Dr. Granitto, Pablo (UNR-CIFASIS-CONICET)
* Dr. Gregorio, Fernando (UNS-CONICET)
* Dr. Kofman, Ernesto (UNR-CIFASIS-CONICET)
* Dr. Martinez, Cesar (UNL-UNER)
* Ing. Micolini, Orlando (UNC)
* Dr. Milocco, Ruben (UNCo-CONICET)
* Dr. Milone, Diego (UNL-CONICET)
* Ing. Paolini, Eduardo (UNS-CIC)
* Dr. Ponzoni, Ignacio (UNS-CONICET)
* Dr. Rey Vega, Leonardo (UBA-CONICET)
* Dr. Rufiner, Hugo L. (UNL-CONICET)
* Dr. Schlotthauer, Gastón (UNER-CONICET)
* Dr. Schmidt, Jorge (Univ. Vigo, España)
* Dr. Sutter, Gustavo (UAM, España)
* Dr. Stegmayer, Georgina (UTN FRSF-CONICET)
* Dr. Storti, Mario (UNL-CIMEC-CONICET)
* Dr. Terissi, Lucas (UNR-CIFASIS-CONICET)
* Dr. Tinetti, Fernando (UNLP)
* Dr. Torres, Humberto (LIS-CONICET)
* Dr. Vignolo, Leandro (UNL-CONICET)

Preliminary list of invited lecturers
* Dr. Marcelo Risk, Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires (ITBA),
"Modeling the cell membrane during electroporation".
* Dr. Damián Morero, ClariPhy Argentina S.A., "Forward Error Correction
for Next-Generation High-Speed Optical Networks".

Paper Submission
AST 2014 seeks original contributions, ranging from state-of-the-art
academic research to industrial and business applications having a
significant impact. The symposium will consist of invited talks and
regular paper sessions presenting both mature work and new ideas in
theoretical research and applications. Submissions are due before April
14, 2014. All papers will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers. The
submission of manuscripts must follow the format available at:
The page limit for a full paper is 12 pages, in A4 format. All
contributions should be submitted in PDF format. The papers should not
include any running head or page numbering. For diffusion reasons, papers
in English are strongly recommended although Spanish and Portuguese are
also acceptable. Information on the format of the final copy will be
forwarded with the acceptance letter. Each accepted paper should be
presented in the symposium, and the presenter must be registered in the
conference. Papers that do not fulfill this requirement will not be
included in the Symposium Proceedings.
All the symposia at 43 JAIIO use SADIO's conference management system to
handle submissions. To upload your contribution you first need
to register and sign in. If you have any problems, check the detailed
instructions about registration and submission.

Important Dates
April 14, 2014:    Deadline for paper submissions.
June 16, 2014:     Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
June 30, 2014:     Deadline for "camera-ready" submissions and author
registration - Registration of at least one author for each accepted paper
is required.
September 1, 2014: Conference

For further information, please contact:

ast en 43jaiio.org.ar

or refer to the website of JAIIO:

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