[NotiAMCA] ENIEF2014 Bioengineering session - Call for abstracts

Victorio Sonzogni sonzogni en intec.unl.edu.ar
Lun Feb 24 17:51:17 ART 2014

[Please help us spreading this information among your colleagues- Apologies for cross-posting]-------------------------------------------------------------------------SPECIAL SESSION ONComputational Modeling in Bioengineering and Biomedical Systems-------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Colleagues,It is our pleasure to invite you to submit an abstract to the Session on “Computational Modeling in Bioengineering and Biomedical Systems” that we are organizing as part of the ENIEF2014 conference that will be held in Bariloche, Río Negro, Argentina on September 23 – 26, 2014.More information on the ENIEF conference can be found at http://mecom.cnea.gov.ar/index.php/en/enief-2014.Abstract submission deadline is March 16, 2014.  To submit an abstract for the Session on “Computational Modeling in Bioengineering …” please visit the ENIEF2014 website.Thanks in advance for your consideration.We are looking forward to meeting all of you at BARILOCHE in September.Best regards,Santiago A. Urquiza, Pablo J. Blanco y Gustavo Buscaglia---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SPECIAL SESSION ONComputational Modeling in Bioengineering and Biomedical SystemsMODELIZACIÓN COMPUTACIONAL EN BIOINGENIERÍA Y SISTEMAS BIOMÉDICOSDr. Santiago A. Urquiza (UnMdP,Argentina) santiago.urquiza en fi.mdp.edu.arDr. Gustavo C. Buscaglia (USP-ICMC,Brazil) http://www.lcad.icmc.usp.br/~buscaglia Dr. Pablo J. Blanco (Lncc-Inct Macc, Brazil)pjblanco en lncc.brThe aim of this session is to bring together the latest scientific works about computational modeling and simulation in bioengineering and biomedical problems. The contributions should be seeking into computational aspects of subjects involving multiphysics, multiscale models of biological systems and processes, patient based image processing, as well as the design and research on computationally assisted biomedical devices and interventions. Therefore, contributions in the following areas and topics are welcome:·         Anatomical modeling from histological and medical images·         Inverse problems for in vivo material characterization·         Fluid-structure interaction in the human body·         Virtual and augmented reality tools for simulation and surgery·         Haptic feedback in biomedical simulation·         Real-time aspects of biomedical simulation·         Modeling and simulation of tissue formation·         Biomechanical modeling of soft and hard tissues·         Biophysical properties of living tissues·         Multi-level and multi-scale modeling of living tissues·         Physiological modeling of organs and systems·         Biochemical transport·         Validation of biomedical models·         Simulators for training and rehearsal·         Application of models in medical practice·         Virtual Humans---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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